chit chating
Oct-12-2006 13:58
All I want to is chat someone please chat with me!{NOT yellin}
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Old Shoe
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Sleuthgirl Ciara
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Sleuthgirl Ciara
Dec-18-2007 00:04
ya relayshun ships R hard bt i dont no wut Kevin is toxxing abot butifd means but if he is out of breth it is OKAY bcus my bro met his nu-est wife in a oxee-gen tent and he wuznt even camping then, he just was in a tent in a hosspitol in the the the woods, lol. He sed he wuz going fishing but wen he came back there wuz no trouts or sammins and he smellt like wet leaves and tacos from the gas satation bt hhe luvs me i tink so i' am not wrried, lol, he sed he's lergic 2 fish!
<3 <3 <3 Ciara
Lucky Stiff
Dec-18-2007 11:07
oh christ....
Y'all can call me Bucky
Dec-18-2007 16:09
I aint been playing much lately. Ol' Missy she's done pushed me outa batcha younguns. And them triplets is keeping me busier than mah Uncle Leroy on Halloween - him only havin three teeth and a head shaped like a punkin and all. They is called Huey, Duey and Sharon. Huey & Duey after mah brother George an Sharon, well he's named after mah ol' mule that died last fall.
But ah digress...
Readin ol ciara's right purdy words has done got me thinin' bout relayshunships. Done reminded me 'bout mah cousin Irving twice removed on my Pappy's side. He done had to take that relyashunship counselin with his girl Mary Jane. Fahn body that girl, hips lika forty dollar hoss, but danged ifn she dint hit every branch of the ugly trree on the way down.
Now Irving he only had two rules in lahf... If it don't move and it should, use WD40 and if it does move and it shoudln't, you better get yerself some gaffer tape. But that don't wash in no marriage. Mary Jane she came back madder than a bee-stung dawg after that there honeymoon. So Irving had to take'er, ona count that relayshunship fella they been goin to told em so, ona campin' trip.
Don't know what goodin it was gonna do sendin' mountn folk on no campin' trip tho. Heckin' everyone knows the men-folk goes a fishin' and a'huntin' and the women do the cookin' and a fussin'. An ah don't rightly know if that counselor fella knew ol' Irving was gonna invaht alla his friends along. But heck I can understand him wantin' some compny an' all. What's he gonna do all that time with Mary Jane, they weren't even gonna have no tellyvision.
So ahm spos'n we all want comp'ny we is familiar with. Spos'n we all want people we can all get along with. Spos'n we all tend to live like Irving with his gaffer tape and WD40. An' I'm sposn' we could all do with some of that there relayshunship counselin' now'n'then.
Now ifn you'll excuse me I gotta go unstick Sharon's head outa the pigs bucket. Boy's like molasses in Winter time, sweet but slow.
Y'all can call me Bucky
Dec-18-2007 16:09
PS Miss biggie, well yer always just as purdy as a speckled pup, and I be thankin' yer for sharin' yer christmas message with us all...
Y'all can call me Bucky.
Lucky Stiff
Dec-19-2007 10:53
Youre so welcome, Bucky ;)
Pinball Amateur
Dec-19-2007 14:28
Um, out of curiousity, Bucky, are your triplets named Huey, Duey, and Sharon, or are your Uncle's teeth so named?? Just tryin' to keep up here....:-.
Merry Shindigs, Bucky!! ;-)
Pinball Amateur
Dec-19-2007 14:29
By the way, Congratulations on the new additions, whatever their names might be!! ;-D
Old Shoe
Dec-19-2007 23:38
Sharon's just a great name for a boy, Bucky. Don't y'all be worryin' on about the schoolyard beatings and tutu wedgies the young'un is sure to receive. Once your father-in-law's recessive chest hair gene kicks in I'm sure that'll clear up right away :)