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Nancy Drew
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Oct-12-2006 09:05

How do you feel about Nancy Drew?



Jun-4-2007 21:45

Dear Mr. Kotter,

Please excuse Helen Corning for being late for school. Her thread got hijacked to Cuba.

Helen Corning's Mother

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Jun-5-2007 04:28

Damn now why didn't i think of using that excuse when i was in school. You have to admit it's original :)

Old Shoe

Jun-5-2007 06:01

All I know is that Nancy Drew is some girl sleuth.
And Helen, Cuba is an awefully far way from home. Plus you'd ENJOY going to Cuba (and so would I) so does that even mean you can have a signed note from your mother?

Scarletta Jones
Scarletta Jones

Jun-5-2007 17:37

Nancy Drew is one of THE best sleuths around. She started out as a book series, then a series of (awesome!!) pc games, and now she's got a movie!! and yoyofashow is right, Helen. Who wouldn't enjoy going to Cuba?

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Jun-5-2007 17:47

Oh absolutely it would be great. But a teacher wouldn't need to know that now would they ;)

Old Shoe

Jun-5-2007 21:54

Okay seriously though...where's the Becky patrol???

*visibly irritated, so starts chanting new mantra*

Take anything you want
Spare me my life
I was robbed by two men

Take anything you want
Spare me my life
I was robbed by two men

Take anything you want
Spare me my life
I was robbed by two men

Old Shoe

Jun-6-2007 03:28

Does the excercise moves to the mantra.


Jun-7-2007 22:40

I think I may pull a Serges if things around here don't change soon. Seriously, where have all these little kids come from?? I am sure I will get modded again, but seriously, the messages boards used to be fun. Now they are overrun with kids talking about their drama classes and hobbies. I left those tween years a long time ago and even then I didn't talk about this stuff. Ergh.

Am I just a mean old ogre or is this getting to other people as well.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jun-8-2007 06:24

I wondered about having a separate Nancy Drew message board that the rest of us could then ignore.

Fiddler's Green
Fiddler's Green

Jun-8-2007 07:06

Thats it - I'm gone...

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