Arch Villain League
Oct-3-2006 12:26
Registration is NOW being accepted for the October 10th beta test of the Dart Leagues in the AVL ("Arch Villain League").
I need 36 volunteers total to test everything, with the following stipulations:
2 sets of 6 detectives from the same agency (6 Hitchhikers & 6 Sirens, for example)
4 sets of 3 detectives from the same agency (3 Omega, 3 Blood & Dagger, 3 Fat Kitten, 3 SMRT Investigations, for example)
2 sets of 3-man teams regardless of agency affiliation
6 testers who will be teamed up at random.
If you are interested in learning about the AVL or becoming a Beta-Tester, please go to:
for more information.
If you have already talked to me about being a beta-tester, please PM me for your favlidation code.
Replies |
Lia Meliamne
Dec-9-2006 20:03
This may be a silly question, but do you need to join the AVL to do a villain hunt? If not, what are the benefits?
Lucky Stiff
Dec-9-2006 20:07
No, Lia, you don't have to join the AVL to do a villain hunt. You must be able to do villain hunts in order to join the AVL :)
There are a lot of benefits to joining the AVL, such as a way to compete against others while youre doing villain hunts, plus a whole bunch of other extras to come.
I suggest you check out the site (www.lkentertainment.net/sleuth) to learn more or PM one of us admins for more information :)
Dec-10-2006 09:18
Just so everyone knows, there are currently 2 more matches set up in the AVDL awaiting entries... One match starts in 4 days and has one private spot open, the other starts tomorrow and still needs a team, as well as one more private and one more public entry. Sign up today!
David Palmer
Battered Shoe
Dec-10-2006 12:45
I recently competed in my first AVL hunt, and it was so much fun! Serges and co. have put in a lot of work to make Chicago wonderfully sleuthy. Also, even though hunts are individual efforts, the AVL joins you on teams with people you may not have ever met. It's nice to be able to groan and shake your fist and commiserate with someone when you get those darn river clues over and over. :)
So, in short - there are LOTS of benefits. Like ignominy.
Lucky Stiff
Dec-10-2006 16:00
I wouldnt be talking about shaking your fist if I were you David...you showed us all a thing or two ;)
Chelsea Bando
Dec-13-2006 08:40
ok, I promised the last spot to two different people who wanted to be members and yet still people are afraid to join the team.
Dec-13-2006 12:25
I said I will join Chelsea and I will - as soon as an invitation is sent. The last open spot on your team is set to invite only.
Chelsea Bando
Dec-13-2006 13:48
For some strange reason I can no longer access the ability to send invites to people.
Lucky Stiff
Dec-13-2006 14:29
Sorry about that, must be a glitch of some kind, I'll have Serges take care of this as soon as possible.
Thanks :)
Dec-13-2006 15:41
Sorry about the issue, folks. Turns out team captains weren't being recognized as captains if their names had capital letters and they logged in with lowercase letters. Apparently Chelsea Bando<>chelsea bando...
Anyway, I updated the login script so that now your name within the site should ALWAYS be the name you registered with, not the name you logged in with.
In other words, all systems are go for sending invites.