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Arch Villain League
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Oct-3-2006 12:26

Registration is NOW being accepted for the October 10th beta test of the Dart Leagues in the AVL ("Arch Villain League").

I need 36 volunteers total to test everything, with the following stipulations:

2 sets of 6 detectives from the same agency (6 Hitchhikers & 6 Sirens, for example)

4 sets of 3 detectives from the same agency (3 Omega, 3 Blood & Dagger, 3 Fat Kitten, 3 SMRT Investigations, for example)

2 sets of 3-man teams regardless of agency affiliation

6 testers who will be teamed up at random.

If you are interested in learning about the AVL or becoming a Beta-Tester, please go to:

for more information.

If you have already talked to me about being a beta-tester, please PM me for your favlidation code.



Oct-4-2006 13:49

I am totally pumped about this. And I would also like to thank and praise Serges for putting it all together. As well as Logan, the original idea man.

*moves to make room for their ballooning heads*


Oct-4-2006 14:50


As of right now there are 11 registered beta-testers for the AVL.

Of those 11, there is one full team and one partial team.

The full team is the only set of volunteers for the inter-agency division so far, and we don't have any intra-agency volunteers yet. (INTRA-agency is where 6 detectives in the same agency or agency group split into teams and compete against each other)

I appreciate the interest everyone has shown so far immensely, but this beta launch on October 10th won't be fully successful if I can't fill all 36 spots. So tell your friends and hound your teammates!

Also, the registration page has been modified slightly to allow people to register partial teams, for pairs who do not have a 3rd teammate.

I'm currently working on the statistics page which will appear once you log in. The sample page is located at if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions about that page, or any other aspect of the AVL, please feel free to PM me with them. I'll also be in Sleuthchat quite often this week, so if you want to discuss the AVL there, I'm more than happy to oblige :)

(Only 25 more people to go!)

Safety Officer

Oct-4-2006 17:04

yeah c'mon I wanna see:
Fat Kitten vs Just around the Corner.
Hitchhikers NY vs Hitchikers London.
The Shire Vs Omega.
Chelsea's (AV Master Huntress1) team up against Dogberta's (AV Master Huntress2) team.
Sushi's Samurai Warriors up against alljackedup's Hot Iconeers ;)

If you thought the AV hunts were a bit tiresome this could give you a whole new lease of life. :D

Maybe we'll even find Sunny or Ban on a team... well ok like they have time... but imagine going head to head with the Sleuth Gods!


Oct-4-2006 17:09

*shudders at the thought*


Oct-4-2006 17:13

how about it... Ben? Sunny?

I joined *your* game, so you have to join *mine*! :)

R Anstett
R Anstett

Oct-5-2006 06:05

I threw my hat in the ring in the Open Division, I grabbed one other hunter (thank you AndreaX) and we are looking for a third from a different agency to join us.

Will be a fun time, you know you want to hunt. Isn't it more fun with someone else on the trail with you?


Oct-6-2006 00:47


For those of you who have registered for the beta test, you can now LOG IN to the AVL site to see your AVL bio sheet, change your password or agency listing, or read Public announcements by the Admins.

We how have 50% of the beta spots filled, but room for 18 more people.

No one has registered for the (newly-renamed) In-House division yet; I need two largish agencies to volunteer 6 people each for this one.

There's only room for one more inter-agency team, with teams from Blood & Dagger, Oasis, and Eye Spy registered.

Space is beginning to run out in the Open division, where ANY 3 detectives can team up, so register soon!

As always, PM me with any ideas, suggestions, problems, questions, or money.


Oct-6-2006 10:04

I would like to try this, thanks.


Oct-6-2006 15:36

This is shapping up to be a real blast! I believe Serg mentioned that we have about half the people already signed up.

You don't want to miss this incredible opportunity!

...and if you don't sign up, I am coming after you with my scimitar and tommy gun. But from a distance since I don't want to get my pretty new dress dirty.


Oct-6-2006 19:08


Looks like the Open Division is filled, with one full team and enough people to make the other 3. I will be randomly grouping the 9 people who registered for Open Division without a team, and will post those teams tomorrow.

We have 3 full teams for inter-agency division from the following agencies: Blood & Dagger, Oasis, and Eye Spy (who still needs to come up with a team name). I need one more team for this division, so if an agency could assemble 3 detectives for it, I would be very grateful.

As of right now, we haven't had a single entry for the in-house division. I can't say I'm surprised since that one requires 6 detectives from the same agency compete against each other. If I don't get at least 6 entries in the next 48 hours, I'm just going to pull that division from the beta test, and possibly from the league in general.

Other news... fixed some small errors in the stats page, especially for newly-registered detectives. Everything should be correct now...

And I've started work on the Dart League manager page. There is a sample available to see at
Please take a look and let me know what you think...

Once again, 1 team spot open for inter-agency, open division pairings coming soon, and for the love of Ben someone PLEASE register for the in-house division! :)

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