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Nice Wrapping.
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Sep-25-2006 03:18

This is another one of those message board thread games. The purpose is to humorously insult the person who posted before you, by making it sound like a compliment...


"He's so special that they have an Olympics just for him"
or "I just love her creativity-- the way she combines those particular articles of clothing into a single outfit, no one else on Earth would think to combine tube socks with heels"

Feel the burn.



Oct-20-2006 09:36

I hear ya, crunch

Lucky Stiff

Oct-20-2006 10:12

Hey leave my girl alone, its not my fault she's a freak....

talk to her daddy....


Oct-20-2006 12:05

Bad girls aren't born, biggie. Their moms train them.

Lucky Stiff

Oct-20-2006 14:32

Yeah well I think her "mom" had an identity crisis while I was serving my sentence for solicitation. No wonder the poor girl is confused.

By the way, can I have my lingerie back? It WAS part of the settlement...


Oct-20-2006 16:06

you wouldn't want it back, biggie. i washed it.

Safety Officer

Oct-20-2006 21:11

this might be the only occasion in legal proceedings history where the judge orders that the child be given to a pack of wolves to be reared...

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Jan-5-2007 20:49

Well, I dug it up. At the request of miss Biggles.

And speaking of which. My dear, I forgot to tell you. I managed to find those 'incontinence pads' you were after. Its hard to find them to fit such a 'well built' woman like yourself with the days of the week on. But it's OK, cos they let me use your old frequent buyer discount.


Jan-5-2007 20:53

Good to see you around these parts, Adam!

Do me a favor though... next time you come over to my place for dinner, bring your own carrots. The ones you had in your little black bag needed to be washed about a dozen times to get rid of that horrible odor.

Also, you probably don't want to keep food in the same bag as rodents.

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Jan-5-2007 20:57

So that's what that was. I just thought you had been 'experimenting' in the kitchen again. So, what were all the exploding noises I heard in there?

And I think you might want to check your wardrobe, i think my dog might have done his business in your black sh... oh you are wearing them. Never mind. That's what that strange smell is...

Lucky Stiff

Jan-7-2007 22:11

OOh Adam, thats so weird.

The store called, they can't get ahold of you because your mom was on the phone with her parole agent when they called.

They need to know your size. Its not every day that someone orders custom made Spiderman diapers for an adult.

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