Post Baseless Lies About the Poster Before You
Sep-21-2006 19:33
Here is a fun forum game from *cough* another online game I play. Here's how it works, post an insult, lie or jest about the person who posted in the thread before you did. I've seen people come up with some preety funny things, the sillier the better. I'll start to give an example, then feel free to sling your worst at me. :)
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
May-25-2013 23:44
^ Is doin a promo to be a game show host. (anyone, anyone??)
Forgot that he he owes Shadey a half hour down a dark alley.
Peter O'Neil
Old Shoe
May-27-2013 21:13
^ Will soon debut her new commercial for Sassy's Sarsaprilla, a cure-all for afflictions of the skin.
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
May-28-2013 06:05
^ is actually wearing that hat to cover up the fact that his hair turned permanently purple in a bizarre childhood paintballing accident
Roberto Del Sid
May-28-2013 08:29
^ didn't actually post a lie in her comment above ...
Pinball Amateur
May-28-2013 13:20
^ Has the permanent purple paintballing proof to show for it on his puss for the rest of his life. Poor sot. :-/
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
May-29-2013 02:13
^ would like to go paintballing with Justin Bieber
Francesca Romano
Old Shoe
Jun-3-2013 22:23
^Would like to have a girls night out[?] with Justin Bieber
Trusted Informer
Jun-11-2013 01:16
^stalks the Jonas brothers to observe their paintballing techniques
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Jun-11-2013 10:38
^practices paintballing on pigeons
Sherlock Holmes123456789
Jun-13-2013 14:38
^Is one of the pigeons that Lawliettine practices paintballing.