Post Baseless Lies About the Poster Before You
Sep-21-2006 19:33
Here is a fun forum game from *cough* another online game I play. Here's how it works, post an insult, lie or jest about the person who posted in the thread before you did. I've seen people come up with some preety funny things, the sillier the better. I'll start to give an example, then feel free to sling your worst at me. :)
Replies |
Bert Brown
Feb-14-2010 04:12
^Hid a mouse in Ms March's hat.
*Too bad, Ms march, too much trouble for you!*
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff
Feb-14-2010 10:47
^Licked up his horse's hooves as it refused a bath!
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff
Feb-18-2010 11:25
^Is actually a 4'6" male who eats nothing but cabbage, is bald, wears other people's clothes, takes baths in washing machines and has yellowish-pink eyes because of an experiment gone wrong("I said don't touch the manganese!").
Lyra Cornwallis
Lucky Stiff
Feb-20-2010 07:01
^Is a very short woman (the shortest in the world!) who keeps snakes as pets.
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff
Feb-23-2010 03:19
^Is a Professor of Chemistry whose degree is actually faked. Everyone only realized when she drank sulfuric acid and wondered why it went "straight to her hips" (i.e. straight down in more ways than one)
Old Shoe
Apr-24-2010 22:51
^ Pipe is made out of bacon. ^ says yum yum every time he inhales.
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-25-2010 18:41
^ Supplied the bacon for the pipe
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Apr-25-2010 23:31
^ creeps up behind pigs in the middle of the night and whispers 'bacon' in their ears
Clint Forthwright
Old Shoe
Apr-27-2010 00:22
^always bets on Three Legged Tom.
"One of these days I tells ya!"
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff
Apr-27-2010 00:37
^ Has sunglasses made of discarded nylon bags and tiny bits of cardboard wrapped around a glass frame.