Post Baseless Lies About the Poster Before You
Sep-21-2006 19:33
Here is a fun forum game from *cough* another online game I play. Here's how it works, post an insult, lie or jest about the person who posted in the thread before you did. I've seen people come up with some preety funny things, the sillier the better. I'll start to give an example, then feel free to sling your worst at me. :)
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-22-2007 04:55
^wishes he hadn't started shaving his "bikini area" hooked now and can''t stop. Its very itchy and is costing him dates...and moms getting tired of setting him up ;)
Miss Toria
Oct-23-2007 00:55
^Actually dated crunchpatty and loved his shaved and itchy "bikini area".
Old Shoe
Oct-23-2007 01:14
^Is clearly confusing 'bikini area' with 'left shoulder'.
That's hard to reply to. So in the spirit of the game:
v waxed the Taco Bell mascot. And no se gusta a los results.
Oct-23-2007 05:37
After finding the lil chiuawa (however spelled ><) waxed, Taco Bell decided to nominate Crunchpatty to be the new mascot after hearing about his well recieved and well shaved left shoulder!
Old Shoe
Oct-23-2007 23:38
(Staring again. Yeah, I assed that one up. Big surprise! Anyways...)
^Has a Hello Kitty tattoo. South of the border. I mean shoulder.
No, that's a lie. I do mean border.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-24-2007 05:29
^rents out rooms in his house. Uses green tobasco sauce to put kitty tattoo's on all his boarders who speak with southern accents.
Old Shoe
Oct-24-2007 23:58
^ records the weather channel. Then, after a hard day's work, kicks off her heels, relaxes with a Tabasco daiquiri or six, and watches it while muttering "El nino, why don't you come to my town?".
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe
Oct-25-2007 00:59
^ wears heels, and doesn't crack me up!!! (Remember, we're all lying here... :-)
Oct-26-2007 07:03
^is a top secret spy sent back in time to teach his younger self to love again.
Miss Toria
Oct-26-2007 10:04
^giving Kevin Greene private lessons on "love"