The Sleuth Savior Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-16-2006 20:38
The rules are simple but long:
{A.} You can take only three turns per day.
{B.} You can not have a second turn until someone else posts after you.
{C.} On your turn, take either 1 point from two characters you don't like and give them to one you do like, or take two points from someone you really don't like, and give them to two you do like For example...
[-1] The Prince of Shangri-La (49)
[+1] Shady Guy in the Back (52)
[-1] Big Lucy (49)
(Prince -1, Lucy -1, Shady +1)
[+1] The Prince of Shangri-La (51)
[+1] Shady Guy in the Back (51)
[-2] Big Lucy (48)
(Prince +1, Shady +1, Lucy -2)
{D.} When one runs out of points, for example...
[-1] Lary the Toe (0)
(Lary -1)
...that character is eliminated.
{E.} The last sleuth character standing wins!
I'll begin.
The Prince of Shangri-La (50)
Shady Guy in the Back (50)
[-1] Big Lucy (49)
[-1] Larry the Toe (49)
[+2] Hollis the Mayor (52)
Santanelli the Dona (50)
Chen the Bishop (50)
Kinsella the Banker (50)
Vrooman the Barber (50)
Hernandez the Shoe Maker (50)
Kobayshi the Tailor (50)
S. Lee the Butcher (50)
Seaver the Waitress (50)
Gesling the Priest (50)
Caban the Music Teacher (50)
Tibby the Bartender (50)
T. Lee the Fortune Teller (50)
( Lucy -1, Larry -1, Mayor +2)
Replies |
Safety Officer
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Safety Officer
Nov-27-2008 15:12
Big Lucy (123)
The Prince of Shangri-La (99)
Kobayshi the Tailor (118)
T. Lee the Fortune Teller (105)
Tibby the Bartender (89)
Seaver the Waitress (108)
Hernandez the Shoe Maker (98)
S. Lee the Butcher (105)
- 8 Larry the Toe
+ 15 Big Lucy (she's not big she's Rubenesque)
This reply has been deleted by a Moderator
Nov-27-2008 22:07
Of course, it would have helped if I had actually given poor Lucy her points... mods, please feel free to erase my previous post. Thanks!
Big Lucy (138)
The Prince of Shangri-La (99)
Kobayshi the Tailor (118)
T. Lee the Fortune Teller (105)
Tibby the Bartender (74)
Seaver the Waitress (108)
Hernandez the Shoe Maker (98)
S. Lee the Butcher (105)
-15 Tibby the Bartender
+15 Big Lucy
Safety Officer
Nov-27-2008 22:31
oops I forgot to use my other - 7 in my last go.
-7 Ani
Violet Parr
Nov-28-2008 01:06
(+7 Ani)
Big Lucy (138)
The Prince of Shangri-La (102)
Kobayshi the Tailor (118)
T. Lee the Fortune Teller (108)
Tibby the Bartender (52)
Seaver the Waitress (111)
Hernandez the Shoe Maker (101)
S. Lee the Butcher (108)
-15 Tibby the Bartender
-7 Tibby the Bartender - Using SS's points (Not to worry everyone - I have a signed and executed general power of attorney from SS.)
+3 Seaver the Waitress, Lee the Fortune Teller, Hernandez the Shoe Maker, S. Lee the Butcher, Prince of Shangri-La
Nov-28-2008 09:23
PHEW! Thank you, Miss Vi. Wow, SS is mean to me!!!
Big Lucy (138)
The Prince of Shangri-La (102)
Kobayshi the Tailor (128)
T. Lee the Fortune Teller (108)
Tibby the Bartender (37)
Seaver the Waitress (111)
Hernandez the Shoe Maker (101)
S. Lee the Butcher (108)
-15 Tibby the Bartender
+10 Kobayshi the Tailor
+5 Hernandez the Shoemaker
+100 Miss Violet Parr :-D
-100 Mister SS Fluffytail the meaniepants. And SS stands for "Stinky Socks". :-p
Violet Parr
Nov-28-2008 12:05
lol! See? This game can be fun -hopefully it will end this time!
Big Lucy (138)
The Prince of Shangri-La (107)
Kobayshi the Tailor (128)
T. Lee the Fortune Teller (108)
Tibby the Bartender (22)
Seaver the Waitress (116)
Hernandez the Shoe Maker (106)
S. Lee the Butcher (108)
-15 Tibby the Bartender
+5 Hernandez the Shoemaker
+5 The Prince of Shangri-La
+5 Seaver the Waitress
Nov-28-2008 15:48
Big Lucy (146)
The Prince of Shangri-La (107)
Kobayshi the Tailor (128)
T. Lee the Fortune Teller (108)
Tibby the Bartender (7)
Seaver the Waitress (116)
Hernandez the Shoe Maker (106)
S. Lee the Butcher (115)
Well I see you are all determined to take my friend Cyrus down, no sense in delaying it
-15 Tibby the Bartender
+8 Big Lucy
+7 S. Lee the Butcher
Con Artist
Nov-28-2008 16:25
Big Lucy (138)
The Prince of Shangri-La (107)
Kobayshi the Tailor (128)
T. Lee the Fortune Teller (108)
Seaver the Waitress (116)
Hernandez the Shoe Maker (121)
S. Lee the Butcher (115)
- 7 Tibby the Bartender
- 8 Big Lucy
+ 15 Hernandez the Shoe Maker