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quarterly round townie deletion
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mary glass
mary glass

Sep-16-2006 10:24

there is a great variance between the older players and agencies
and those who came along later...a gap that perhaps is too hard
to close...might i suggest quarterly rounds where the townies are
deleted for all...the older players would still have the advantage of
money, experience points, general knowledge of the game but the
quarterly deletion of townies ( all players having to reacquire the
townie favors every 90 days ) would make the game more competitive among all players and add some challenge every 90
days for the older players...


Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Sep-16-2006 11:39

There is more help now for younger detectives than there ever has been and many older players that are willing to help younger players.
I think the problem is that everyone wants their own agency straigth away and wants all the perks that come with an older agency that has had a LOT of TIME and WORK put into it, to be at their disposal WITHOUT putting in the TIME and EFFORT and WORK themselves.

You used to see players spending time at established agencies where they had the contacts, the equipment and the skills to help out.

Now everyone create their own and you have a very small minority saying, "This isn't fair. All the big old agencies win al lthe time. All the big old agencies have contacts. All the big old agencies have skills."

Once again, I point out, this option is available to EVERYONE and we ALL started with NOTHING.
BUT people put in the hard work, the effort and the time.
I know that a lot of people put a lot of time into their agencies, their detectives and their contacts, why should all THEIR hard WORK go to waste because someone that has NOT put in the hard WORK, TIME and effort thinks it's not fair or that they should be given a chance?

And yes, it is only a suggestion, and at the risk of being critised because I disagree with it, the points made that do disagree are fair whereas I can't see the fainress in older players being penalised for newer players.

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Sep-16-2006 11:40

Heh, good point Biggie.

Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-16-2006 11:52

Ok Ruby, no need to shout

I can see both sides. Yes it would be good, people could change contacts, or bigger agencies who always win hunts would be slowed slightly allowing newer agencies to steal a few. But on the other hand, yes the older agencies and directors have worked a lot for what they have, and contact removal could damage them.

Lucky Stiff

Sep-16-2006 11:55

How would contacts changing affect hunts all that much?

The important things are favors, and there are a TON that I have worked with no PE whatsoever from my contact (if I even had one)....the PE is random and even if you lose your contact, you will gain another one shortly enough thereafter so the balance shifts again.

I'm sorry, I just don't see how this makes any sense.

Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-16-2006 11:58

Biggie, it would mean that while some detectives usually hold favors at the end of the day, they would instead try to get back their contacts, so there are less "held" favors, making treasure hunts take a little bit longer. It wont make much of a difference, but it would be a difference.

Lucky Stiff

Sep-16-2006 12:02

Well that may be true, but I don't think it will eliminate "held favors" at all, at least it wouldn't for me. This also works to the extreme disadvantage of all agencies, not just big ones. The newer, smaller agencies will have the same issue of losing what they could potentially have worked weeks to do.


Sep-16-2006 12:04

As biggie has pointed out, maybe not having a certain PE contact woould not hold out a treasure hunt all that much.
I think the part that irritates me a little (well a lot) is the suggestion that some agencies have an advantage that others cannot get. That is simply not true. In fact, my agency, is not very old and has grown a lot in 6-9 months. That is b/c the 2 co-founders (and I was NOT one of them) worked their butts off to build and establish the agency.
As other people joined, they worked hard too.
If you want to build an agency, work hard, recruit hard, train well, and you WILL win!

Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-16-2006 12:06

It would depend on the time frame, or if it is case based. Larger agencies get through more cases than smaller ones. Plus, it wouldnt eliminate held favors, it would reduce them slightly.

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Sep-16-2006 12:07

Then join a larger agency or create a larger agency.

Lucky Stiff

Sep-16-2006 12:08

Thats why we all have a choice about how large or small our agency is. Anyone can be in a large agency if they choose to be. This game is, after all, what you make it.

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