poor dog
Chelsea Bando
Sep-16-2006 05:25
Ben, I found your missing dog in one of the cities. You really should take better care of it. It looks so sad and depressed. I think your current treatment of this pet will land you in hot water with animal right activists. Start feeding that dog properly or else. :(
Replies |
Sep-30-2007 07:08
is there anything more to do with this precious puppy?
Pinball Amateur
Sep-30-2007 12:59
Depends on what you've already done, Dragh.... :-.
Encyclopedia Zero
Sep-23-2009 07:57
So, I found the dog and did what I was supposed to do. But only because I *accidentally* read about it while browsing another site. Is there a "starting point" of some sort IN GAME where I can learn about it or are you supposed to stumble over it just by randomly saying dog to people?
Sep-23-2009 15:26
... it all starts in another city, with a "friend" of the one in the "doggie city" who gives the other part of the hint of what to do with the dog.
- as in all true sleuthing challenges, there are clues that must be understood and implemented the right way... ;-)
Good luck :-)
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Sep-23-2009 16:18
There is a certain phrase you say to the dog, and its not "dog". ;)
Who know's what the dog might say or do... :D
Safety Officer
Sep-23-2009 17:15
Finding the dog is based on luck more than anything. So there is no Larry the Toe type character to say oy there's a dog at X street in City Y. I suppose it's about being in the right place at the right time and co-ordinating with having your eyes open and paying attention. Knowing what to do afterwards is more about common sense and using the basic skilis you pick up in a detective game.
Encyclopedia Zero
Sep-24-2009 02:54
Thank you Secret Squirrel. That answers my question. I was thinking that perhaps there was some hint like "The Prince of Shangri-La is making rounds.." to make you go "Hm", but rather you're required to stumble over the dog while making rounds.