Ask a question!
Agent Andrew
Sep-16-2006 02:29
Simple: One person asks a question, the next one answers it. Then the second person asks another, and the third answers that, ex-cetera so on and so for forever.
Guy-01: "How old are you?"
Girl-O2: 16. "Why'd you choose your Sleuth name?"
Human-o3: "Because I'm the third human to be an example on here. What grad are you in?"
...and so on...
Where are you from?
Replies |
Moonshine Creekwater
May-2-2007 16:56
Snowy my teddy he has no eyes and one ear and should really be called greyey.
What your fav book.
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe
May-2-2007 18:59
"In His Steps", Charles M. Sheldon. A bit preachy for most, but for some reason it always inspires me and sets my wheels to spinning about "what ifs".
What is your favorite family photo? (description pls.)
May-2-2007 23:46
It is a picture of my grandfather, as a boy, with my great-grandmother on the ship when they emigrated from Germany to the United States. There are several women in the picture, mostly middle-aged, and my grandfather (approximately twelve years old) is standing on something that is making him taller than them, and he's got the most mischievous smile I've ever seen.
The last time I saw that mischievous smile was shortly before he died at the age of ninety-something. It was the thing that actually kept him from ever seeming truly old.
What is the "wildest" thing you've ever done?
Old Shoe
May-3-2007 00:52
"Wildest"? Let's just say curious George ain't so curious anymore. Coincidentally, there's a Canada-wide moratorium on hand puppet sales right now. Bleach is hard to find too...
Do you have any tattoos? (I don't).
Safety Officer
May-4-2007 18:52
No I don't. And yet it is definitely one of the few things I regret not doing. Once again it's a fear factor thing. I'd like a cool kanji symbol, but I know the big bikey tattooist that did it would look at the skinny white guy, smirk and I'd end up with the equivalent of 'this guy is a tosser' in Japanese on my arm. And no-one's gonna believe I play baseball...
What is your favourite item of clothing?
Old Shoe
May-5-2007 00:34
It's this really cool tank top with a Japanese symbol on it. I have no idea what it means, but every time I wear it, Japanese women get into groups and giggle and throw tissues at me, so I KNOW it's a talking piece, at least. Plus I'm saving a bindle on Kleenex!
What happened on the best day of your life so far?
Old Shoe
May-12-2007 01:28
^dumbass. Although it strikes me that the typo, 'bindle', might actually be funnier (certainly for our hobo contingent, god bless their overalls n. freewheelin' pigtails) than what I was shooting for, 'bundles'.
*fills a handkerchief with cholesterol pills and other hobo essentials, blacks out a tooth and changes name to 'Boxcar Patty'.*
New question: do you like flying?
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe
May-12-2007 07:25
I LOVE flying ....but I'm shocked to discover that others are aware of my abilities!
Truthfully, I enjoy the actual "flying part", but would rather drive 10-penny nails into the bottoms of my feet than go through the airport. Throw 20,000 angry, anal-retentive people together and what do you have? In the Middle East you'd have a jihad, but in the rest of the world, an airport.
What's your favorite sandwich?
May-14-2007 14:12
That would have to be a splendiferous Bacon Lettuce Tomato on white bread with mayonnaise. Although rare roast beef on rye with horseradish and mayo might be tied for first... yeah, I think it's gonna have to be a tie. And the next question (aside from 'who else is hungry?') is....
What is the longest road trip you've ever taken?
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe
May-16-2007 22:28
10 college kids, 1 professor, 2 weeks, 15-passenger van, 1 duffel bag each.
Jackson, Tennessee to Quebec City, Canada.
Tell me you aren't envious. Seriously. Dare to dream kids.
What is the longest you've ever gone without sleep?