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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


Eden Zweig
Eden Zweig

Jul-27-2012 12:23

*thanks Jason :) It was actually a massacre of creativity (le petit prince story) hehe destruction led to creation*

While I am at it, wish granted. You have a better lunch. But the thermostat of the coffee delivering machine in your workplace got broken the day before, when you were absent. So the coffee you've had was 212 F and your tongue got moderately burned but it was enough to cause you a loss of taste for a while. So you have the best lunch ever but you are unable to appreciate it. You could as well have a burned-up cake instead and be unable to complain.

I wish I could equate my pitch to the natural frequency of any object whenever I wanted, heehee.

William Marshal Smith
William Marshal Smith
Lucky Stiff

Jul-28-2012 04:46

Well…you do get that strange wish, but then as a side effect your brain develops a magnetic attraction to all objects and as a result they all get stuck to your head.

I wish I could’ve corrupted your wish in a more creative way.

David Adams
David Adams

Aug-21-2012 21:32

Oh boy, are you going to regret that one. The Fairy Godmother (back from her vacation after Clint Forthwright kicked the bucket--boy didn't it take a long time for him to wish himself into the hereafter) she decides to give you a day to improve yourself. We start with a nice lunch at a restaurant called "The World On a Bun".

Your meal begins with the soup of the day, a mouthwatering concoction of the results of the latest experiment by the folks at Los Alamos. Don't move, you'll blow up. Your entree, in your case a tall helping of a dictionary, an encyclopedia (all volumes please) and a copy of Strunk and White (quoted as the best English grammar manual by my literature professor), provides all the fiber that your guts and your brain could possibly handle. Your intermezzo, of most of the instruments in the wind section of the local symphony and a couple of drums (the strings section would get stuck in your teeth) goes down easy. Your dessert, a sportscaster, goes down best with ketchup. And finally the salad (yes we serve things in an unusual order): a sizeable portion of the most psychadelic mushrooms, peyote buttons, and belladonna flowers we could find (we reccommend the italian dressing with that).

For a combination of a siesta and digestive, the Fairy Godmother has reserved an afternoon at the spa for you. They have you undress, drop you in a vat of deep, stinky mud and put a set of earphones on you that reads every entry on the world wide web to you. Twice.

Now that you have a full tummy, a sparkly clean body, and a dubious mind, you should have NO trouble finding that extra pound and a half of creativity that has been floundering around in your brain. Your next attempt to answer a wish in a wild and wacky manner should be absolutely no problem.

David Adams
David Adams

Aug-21-2012 21:35

I wish Xing the Panda would get over his addiction to bamboo. His breath is absolutely nauseating. Pizza would be so much more appetizing.

Wolf Girl 22
Wolf Girl 22

Aug-23-2012 15:27

Xing got over his addiction to bamboo and took your advice on the pizza, but the pizza is smell turns out to be worse then the bamboo.

I wish for everyone to shut up when watching a movie in the theater.

Assistant Postman

Aug-31-2012 17:29

All of sudden no one in the theater can speak. In their panic, they all try communicating to each other with body language and people are gesturing frantically, effectively keeping you from being able to watch the movie you know have no problems hearing.

I wish I could be at the beach.

Kyle XY Rocks
Kyle XY Rocks
Pinball Amateur

Aug-31-2012 22:41

Wish Granted. Your at the beach in the florida keys. During Hurricane Isaac.

I wish I lived in the 1930's

Sherlock Holmes123456789
Sherlock Holmes123456789

Sep-1-2012 10:50

You are suddenly living in the 1930's. But, unfortunatly, a criminal stabs you right when you step outside and you die.

I wish I could be a PI, right now.

Wolf Girl 22
Wolf Girl 22

Sep-1-2012 19:18

Poof your a PI. Your on your first case and your doing great but you stumble across a drug lord without knowing, but he knows. Soon he has a hit called on you and you die. Painfully. And no one knows who or why.

I wish to become a famous writer

Sherlock Holmes123456789
Sherlock Holmes123456789

Sep-1-2012 19:32

Oh, so soon? How did I know that would happen?
You are a famous writer, but how did you acquire your fame?
Well, this is how it happend.
You wanted to become a famous writer. So, you decided to write a hundred books before you released any of them. You were shure that noone had done that before, so it should make you famous. You wrotea hundred books. But, on the day that you finished your last book, you were brutally murdered - with books. Then your murderer burns the books. The story is in newspapers around the world, very soon, you are very famous.

I wish could be a PI, right now, and live. And not get injured.

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