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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.



Jul-24-2007 09:37

Well, you've found out the true identity of Dr. Science, evil-genius that he is. Of course, this means that he has to kill you! Say bye-bye....

I wish I had a dollar for every time a person wrote the word "the".

Meteor Roger
Meteor Roger

Jul-25-2007 00:00

You earned the dollar. Only time you'll get that money since you'll never see that word again!

I wish I had three people working on my lawn.

Story Teller

Jul-25-2007 00:52

are you telling us your hedge needs trimming?

anyway I digress...

*poof* there are three brawny blokes working on your lawn and might I say The Red Man Thong Monument is coming along beautifully too. Though at sundown, strange little gnome-like creatures come out from underneath the shrubbery and kneel down to pay homage in their chirpy little French-Canadian accents. They're worse than cicadas (crickets) with their "Eh", "Eh", "Eh", "Eh" "Eh's". And, I think they're multiplying. Well ... they're certainly trying to ... err mind where you stand when they leave... nothing industrial strength disinfectant, sawdust and a shovel wont clean up.

I wish what the whales were really saying.

Story Teller

Jul-25-2007 00:53

*I wish I knew what the whales were really saying.

Mack Hazard
Mack Hazard

Jul-25-2007 16:45

You do know what whales are saying. They all say the same thing. They say you're lonely and need a life.

I wish I was not so bored.

Old Shoe

Jul-26-2007 00:58

You're totally entertained!

By the blinky blinky buttons on your life preserver jacket. As you slip into Davey Jones' locker. You aren't sure whether to love that thing because it had reruns of John Tesh's greatest moments on ET embedded in it's collar, or to hate it because you hate John Tesh when he gets all advice-y. Don't talk to me fivehead!

I wish Entertainment Tonight sent you a singing kitten for actually sitting through it.


Jul-26-2007 02:48

They sent you a singing kitten. Your little kitten sang twinkle twinkle little star on tour with you all over the world. Later you and your kittten were invited to sing Happy Birthday to the president on LIVE television. But you were humiliated!! It turns out twinkle twinkle little star is the only song he sings well.

I wish I was friends with a dolphin.

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Jul-26-2007 05:46

Shazzam! You are transformed into the net of a Japanese fishing trawler, and you are totally dolphin friendly :) How nice!

I wish we'd win every treasure hunt in Shanghai!

Battered Shoe

Jul-26-2007 09:20

Congratulations to Brasco and TIA! You are now snatching the treasure right out from under the noses of Sirens, Margaritaville and Karelek Investigations...the next thing you know the directors at Margaritaville are using their influence with the faction leaders in Shanghai to start causing you trouble. The directors at Sirens use their charm and seduction to convince all the club owners in Shanghai to close their doors to you. You start feeling paranoid that the detectives at Karelek Investigations are onto to your machinations...Worse yet Eye Spy starts to recognize the threat coming from Shanghai and get you blacklisted from Delhi.

Thankfully you can still polish all your treasures in your agency's trophy room.

I wish I could see Eugene Mirman preform.

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn
Safety Officer

Jul-26-2007 20:31

You do get to see Eugene Mirman perform, unfortunately, he is washed up and his performance is on a street corner with a cardboard sign that say "Will perform for food"

I wish my agent would get me into training camp

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