Corrupt A Wish
Bill Oakes
Sep-15-2006 02:30
This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:
Person 1. I wish I had a dog
Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it
I wish I had a muffin
Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.
And so on.
Your firt wish to corrupt is this:
I wish I had a new car.
Replies |
Old Shoe
Mar-20-2007 08:49
They have found a way to make diet sodas taste good but they haven't been able to keep it in stock and so you don't get to drink any of it.
I wish I could find the time to play soccer/football/futebol etc. again.
Mar-20-2007 12:38
you suddenly find you have the time to play but because youre so old you cant remember why you wanted to play in the first place.
i wish there was a gag big enough for crunchpatty :)
Arsenio Armas
Mar-21-2007 07:24
There is a gag big enough for crunchpatty but it has copyright laws and you cant do it
I wish soda companies had a way of making water taste like soda
Mar-23-2007 18:07
You are cool, but not everybody has the same definition of 'cool'.
Mar-23-2007 18:14
sorry, wrong wish! anyway back to you...
water does taste like soda, but u lost all your taste buds!
Old Shoe
Mar-23-2007 21:24
I wish Zeehawk had posted a wish.
Zeehawk DID post a wish, and you responded to it in such a way as to set yourself up for a one-sided conversation SO circular and pointless that it reminds everyone else in town of watching a revolting little inbred poodle eating its own leavings in the park when it thinks none of the other dogs are watching. Which, some suspect, is what you're shooting for image-wise anyways.
*Breaks the cycle*
I wish I had dead monkey-face heelies.
Mar-24-2007 09:42
You have the heelies, but you lost the wheels.
I wish it was summer break from school already.
Mar-24-2007 11:48
it is summer break from school already but you find out you're made to live in a deserted island with Donald Trump.
I wish I ruled the universe.
Mar-25-2007 12:22
you rule the universe but no one cares about your dumb rules.
P.S. forget it cuz ur never going to rule the universe
Old Shoe
Mar-26-2007 01:28
I wish Zeehawk had cared about the dumb rules and posted a wish (again, this time the acoustic remix version, f/ Nelly Furtado and Timbaland).
I wish I liked Taco Bell.