Corrupt A Wish
Bill Oakes
Sep-15-2006 02:30
This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:
Person 1. I wish I had a dog
Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it
I wish I had a muffin
Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.
And so on.
Your firt wish to corrupt is this:
I wish I had a new car.
Replies |
Dec-9-2006 14:09
You fly gloriously above the cars in gridlock on the freeway. But when the road-rage filled drivers below see you, they become enraged and begin throwing eggs (because everyone on the freeway carries eggs). By the time you get home, it looks like someone just blew a load in your once perfectly-coifed hair. :(
I wish Pringles increased your metabolism.......
Sara Lou
Dec-11-2006 07:10
wow! Have you heard? Pringles boost metabolism! But you can only eat one pringle every 2 and 1/2 years, or else you'll shrink!!
I wish I could sing like Shania Twain.
Lord of Llamas
Dec-11-2006 16:22
You can sing exactly like Shania Twain. That is, the Shania Twain from Moscow, who owns a cheese shop and is an old maid. My god your voice sucks.
I wish it rained tapioca pudding (on the white house.........).
Farm A Sea
Old Shoe
Dec-11-2006 23:55
Your are as cool as SS, so cool you're frozen -literally.
I which I could sing.
Safety Officer
Dec-12-2006 00:29
ok... I am so cool I get a second mention... *shuffles little squirrel feet & blushes* awwww
You can sing but it's only audible to dogs and whales. Kinda gets on everyone's nerves that every time you warble a tune under the shower the neighbourhood dogs go beserk. And what with Greenpeace sueing you for all the whales that beach themselves trying to listen to you sing, and the Okimura Whaling Company harrassing you to come join their 'research' team... eh singing's not all it's cracked up to be...
Llama Lord... It rains tapioca but then we all have to hear ad nauseum for the next week every newspaper, radio, and television trotting out: "Today in Washington George Bush finally got his just desserts"... no thanks!
I wish God (or your own particular nature deity) had invented a better use for avocado that having us eat it. yech.
Old Shoe
Dec-12-2006 02:59
ROFL...there's a whole bunch of speakers of Latin-based languages for whom the word "avocado" makes them think of lawyers, not guacamole! Sadly you can't insure your little squirrel feet because the advocates and the avocados are like in some little freaky blood brother society that looks after it's own...
Meh. I wish I didn't spend a split second thinking about the movie 'There's Something About Mary' every time I zipped. Danger ahead, yo.
Dec-13-2006 06:59
You do stop thinking about that part of the movie. Unfortunately it means you get your winkle caught in your zip and can never have children!
I wish i had more time, so i could play sleuth again :D
Dec-13-2006 12:20
You DO have more time...unfortunately, it's because you are now living Groundhog Day!
I wish I didn't have a headache.
AZN Cinderella
Dec-13-2006 16:14
The pain from your headache goes away but it travels all the way to your hands and you get arthistis so you can't play Sleuth anymore.
I wish my yarn would stop getting tangled uup.
Sara Lou
Dec-14-2006 06:58
Your yarn stop tangling until finally, your needles break. The nearest store is 1,000,000,000,000,000 miles away, and you spent your last cent on a chocolate covered pretzel. Poor yarn.
I wish I was a world famous therapist.