Big Stinking Sack O' Ideas
Sep-7-2006 17:57
I know Sleuth just undertook a HUGE expansion 2 weeks ago. This is by no means whining or complaining.
I just happened to be rolling around ideas in my head recently about things that would make Sleuthville even better.
1.) Slight modification to the travel system for Villain hunts. Currently, it takes X amount of cases to travel to a new city. If you do not have X cases left, you can't go. Pretty good system, except in the case of Villain hunts. Hypothetically, one could have 25% of one's caseload available for the day (3 cases out of 12) and not be able to do anything at all case-wise because the next leg of the hunt is in a 4-turn-travel city. Those 3 cases become completely useless. I suggest that the travel system change slightly, so that a detective can use their remaining cases to initiate travel, and the travel completes upon server reset, with the remainder automatically subtracted from that day's caseload. The only real addition would have to be a Ship/Train page where the detective is essentially in limbo for the rest of the day.
2.) Villain-counter for agencies. Similar to the areas where you can see how many treasures an agency has collected. Either count hunts for the agency a detective is a member of at the time of completion, or have a running total of all villains caught by all current agency members.
3.) A new useful "twist". This twist would involve a Larry-the-toe-type character, who would offer to put in a "good word" with a random townie if you solve the case. This "good word" is optional at end of case, and results in the next available favor going to that townie. An interesting shake-up for treasure hunts, plus an extra useful twist... (Continued)
Replies |
Lucky Stiff
Sep-8-2006 04:07
yeah really Serges, you should know better than to mention a pony on a board full of adults ;)
I like your ideas about the leftover cases, at least we should have option of doing something with them as opposed to just wasting, maybe they can be used to replenish some money or something? (hunting is getting expensive)
R Anstett
Sep-8-2006 06:24
To try to bring this back on topic.
I have to disagree with the idea of the cases working to partially travel. One of the key balancing points for Villain Hunts (VH) is that everyone has the same number of cases per day to accomplish the same goal. If you break up the cases across multiple days then it makes the random element of the VH less relevant (hard to not spoil). In Serges example I effectively get 3 extra cases the second day, wether used for travel or solving. I think one thing that could affect this idea of Serges is an 'expert travelers kit' where you get a bigger reduction in case cost for traveling.
And sorry but the bonus case idea would get out of hand so quickly. In one week alone that is ~210 (at the 4-1 ratio) cases in a large agency. I would offer the idea of some sort of bonus case being an extra favor that detectives earn at some random-like occurance. It rewards those who are actively doing cases, and is equal for non-agency detectives.
Sep-8-2006 09:27
Oh man, now that I see the other side...I'm ambivalent.
Still, I hate to have to loose those cases..
Maybe we can just get the pony? I am really psiched about Tinkerbell...
Sep-8-2006 12:01
Ran, you'll notice that after some thought and criticism I also realized that the storing aspect of the bonus case idea wouldn't work as well. However, I still think the general idea is sound (i.e. agencies and detectives being able to earn them through in-game or around-game awards.)
As for the travel thing, I don't feel as though any cases would be considered "extra". All I'm suggesting is bringing about a system for ensuring that a detective is allowed to utilize 12 cases per day, whether for solving or travelling. In treasure hunts, this is not an issue, as a detective who can not travel to a certain city still has the option of solving the last few cases remaining for that day. In a villain hunt, those cases are completely locked. Can't use them to travel, and can't attempt them. They are totally wasted, and it in essence turns that luck aspect of the villain hunt into a fundamental gameplay loss for a subscribed agent. In other words, if you pay for 12 cases a day, you should get to use 12 cases per day.
Maybe the solution would be to allow a detective to attempt remaining cases when they are forced to travel in a villain hunt.
I do appreciate your criticism though, Ran. :)
Bill Oakes
Sep-8-2006 12:12
All cases can be utilised if you use your noggin.
If money isn't too much of an issue through the AV hunts (and you should get $1000 a case anyway) then you could use the remaining cases to travel to a ciy that is nearer to the city you want to be in than where you are. For example, if you are in Delhi and need to get back to New York, you need 4 cases. If you only have 3 left then you can't. But, you CAN travel to London, then travel on to New York the next day, thus "saving" 2 cases. But only if money is not an issue.
*Takes a bow, and leaves*
Of course if you need to get to London from New York and you only have 1 case left you might as well sit on your hands until the next day, cos you ain't goin nowhere.
Battered Shoe
Sep-8-2006 12:21
The problem, Bill, is that in a Villain hunt, you don't know which city is next until you hit the "capture villain" button, and find out that the villain has fled to another city. If you have cases left for the day, but not enough to travel on, then those cases are lost.
Bill Oakes
Sep-8-2006 12:24
I mean, if, when you do find out which city the villain has fled to, and you dont have enough cases left to travel to that city, travelling to the nearest city means you spend less cases the following day getting to the city you need to get to.
Lady Ruby Caplan
Sep-8-2006 12:29
That's a smart idea Bill :)
Bill Oakes
Sep-8-2006 12:31
*Blushes* well, I do try!
Sep-8-2006 12:32
Bill, that is very clever, and I have not thought about it. I will say this though: villain hunting has been, for me at least, VERY expensive. I had to give out quite a bit in bribes and most times I was loosing money. Add to that my Shady bill, and I was broke!. Your way works, of course, but it IS more expensive.