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Equipment Stealing
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Solve A Lot2
Solve A Lot2
Assistant Postman

Sep-3-2006 20:18

It seems to me that lately there have been new agents joining agencies to steal their equipment.

Is there a way to allow agents to "borrow" agency equipment, but at the time that they quit, the equipment is returned to the owning agency? The only equipment they can take is the one the came with.

I play another rpg, they are able to do this there. If the agency wants to give the member equipment, they simply unclick the "agency item" button. This is done by a director of the team.


R Anstett
R Anstett

Sep-4-2006 07:09

I think that a player initative like this is a good way of handling things. Thank you for volunteering Logan.


Sep-4-2006 09:05

That is a great idea Logan. A director only chat room would help alot.


Sep-4-2006 10:02

Ah, it seems good ideas are like plants, they just need time to take root to blossom! :-) Logan, that's a fine idea, even if it isn't here on Sleuth. Count me in!

Della Devine
Della Devine

Sep-4-2006 11:40

Thank you, Logan! I'll be pming you. :)

Lucky Stiff

Sep-4-2006 11:54

as will I Logan, thanks for taking the first step :)


Sep-4-2006 14:15

I like the idea of a Director only chat room. However, I would caution to be careful on what could and could not be posted there, as many could take it as "talking behind their backs" without hearing their side of the story.

Great idea!


Sep-4-2006 21:14

Calalta, I want to thank you again for finding my original proposal for the D.O. Lounge. I just looked at it and saw it's dated Aug. 27th 2004. Over 2 years! I can't imagine how many problems could have been avoided in those 2 years had something been done to make that a reality, but I do hope the current active directors do take advantage of the Chatroom that Logan Creed put together. It's long overdue, but better late than never! Great work Logan Creed!

Con Artist

Sep-5-2006 02:32

Great idea Logan! This rounds on me buddy. :0)

Con Artist

Sep-5-2006 02:35

umm I suppose I should have said first round is on me. lol. ah well. you get the point... lol

Logan Creed
Logan Creed

Sep-5-2006 21:58

Thanks, everyone, for your interest. And thanks again to Chron for letting us put his idea to use. At this time we have 16 directors participating.

Again, all directors of agencies with over 2,000 Fame are free to join. Send me a pm and I will send the link.

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