^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-22-2007 05:05
^hates mirrors because they shatter and he has to clean it up. Doesn't know what a broom is so just uses his hands.
< Band-aid manufacturer and follows ^ around. < Billionairre.
V New customer.
Anthony Ciarlante, P.I.
Oct-22-2007 21:18
^ hates mirrors because they shatter when she looks in one. :-)
< Made an anagram about the happy band-aid manufacturer/billionaire Sophie4. Sorry, Sophie, no one solved it. :-)
V Eats raw muscles. RAW!!! :-)
Old Shoe
Oct-23-2007 00:56
^follows Captain Obvious around, repeating what he says, but slower and more obviously. And racked his head around an anagram for the word "I".
< likes his mussels steamed with white wine, garlic, chili flakes, parmigiano and a nice crusty baguette, thanks.
v not into seafood, even if it's served on a mirror
Miss Toria
Oct-23-2007 13:15
^ curiously insightful
< believes seafood to be repulsive and vile, but still cooks the best fish dish according to her seafood loving husband.
v Was on the show "who wants to be a superhero"
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe
Oct-25-2007 00:55
^ is a sea hater! Kill her! :-)
< if only I was a superhero. Or rather, super-villain. Muhahahahahahahaha!!!!!
v grows hair on a full moon, but loses it after pulling it out from petting kittens.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-31-2007 12:30
^is the sidekick to superhero "the capitulator" his name is "backdown boy"
<grows hair to look like Morticia for halloween
v goes out halloween and claims to be candy inspector. Steals kids candy
Nov-2-2007 13:23
^ is actually one of Uncle Festers accidents
<gobbles oodles of stolen Candy(and gains 10 lbs.)
V will say something compleatly unrelated to halloween.
Sleuth About Town
Nov-3-2007 17:33
^owes tons of money to the dentist for her candy addiction
<wishes, sometimes, he was a piece of candy.
v thinks candy-corn is grown in fields.
Nov-4-2007 12:33
^ makes bananas selling candy corn to monkeys at the zoo
< supplies ^ with candy corn from her fields
V will have maple syrup marinated ham for Thanksgiving
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Nov-4-2007 23:53
^fooled her, the Canadian Thanksgiving was Oct. 8. & no syrup
<American living in Canada so has 2 Thanksgivings. Still no syrup.
v Wants to try water skiing but can't figure out how to hold the poles.