^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Oct-5-2007 13:47
^ previously addicted to apples until she fell out of the tree.
<found the pickled peppers and picked a peck which were purloined by Peter Piper who was then pummeled by Peter Peter who happened to be in the proximity picking pumpkins for a pie.
v is trying to get chicken flicking listed as an Olympic sport.
Old Shoe
Oct-6-2007 01:24
^tried to register for the Budweiser world cup of chicken-flicking under the name "Peter Piper" using the fake ID she made in high school
^sold sally a sack stuffed with several salty seashells down by the seashore scrimped secretly so sister Susie wouldn't sing songs to Senor Sprat, the spiritual saviour of Cincinnati, whose spouse could swallow no saturated fat, a sad victim of surplus saccharine sucking.
V brought a Thai guy named 'Bo' to his/her TaiBo class for show and tell.
Miss Toria
Oct-10-2007 12:34
^He is a real tounge twister!
< Loves Thai food (and has her own "T(h)aiBo" cooking for her)
v Will tell us his/her biggest fear
Oct-11-2007 09:11
^ stole my story
< Works at Mckey D's
v will stub his/her toe on their computer
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe
Oct-15-2007 02:40
^ set the record for saying "ya'll want fries wit dat?" 1034 times in one hour. :)
< is currently working on 13 new scripted mysteries, which will make the entire sleuthing world better. I'm such a saint. Ouch! A saint that just stubbed his toe on his computer! Owie owie owie that hurt! (I really did, and not on purpose. Are you a psychic psycho, Apolla?)
v inherited crunchpatty's lack of hair.
Oct-15-2007 16:39
^ is right cause i am a psychic/psycho
< Gets bored way to easily
v Will send 1 gabajillian $$$$ to Apolla at address.....
Anthony Ciarlante, P.I.
Oct-15-2007 20:06
^ Thinks I will send her a gabajillian $$$$ to her. Better yet, hallucinates that I will!
< Is ALWAYS bored. ALWAYS! Okay, only when I'm doing homework. :-)
v will be crunchpatty, or at least make me laugh like crunchy does!
Old Shoe
Oct-16-2007 00:56
(since you asked:)
^hallucinating that his homework is coming to life and asking him if his knees are itchy
< spent much of his formative period hallucinating in place of homework
v kinda itchy, for real.
Lady Emerald Devon
Oct-16-2007 08:45
^ is a great and funny man who I adore, admire and lurrveeeee on.
> isn't itchy now but was yesterday.
v loves Bloomin' Onions.
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe
Oct-17-2007 01:17
^has a nice hat.
< Doesn't need to know that other people are itchy, and especially WHERE they're itchy. (And hates onions. Blecch!)
v will lurrveeeee on crunchpatty.