^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Old Shoe
Feb-14-2007 05:55
^is wrong, i've spent that time sleuthing and looking for piratey stuff.
<feels happy that he won't get as much sleuth chat ridicule with some teens around.
Vlikes Daft Punk
Feb-14-2007 17:21
^ is a Daft Pirate who might just have to explain to me what Daft Punk is. Unless he meant I like A daft punk, which I would have to assume refers to Mister Anikka. Which would be accurate. :)
< says in six sentences what could easily be said in two words. Or less.
V is a rabid wombat in disguise.
Old Shoe
Feb-28-2007 00:07
^eats thesauruses like they were cool ranch shrimp balls
< is chewing a wombat as we speak, and started a support group for rabis sufferers. It's b.y.o bib though.
v flosses regularly
Washed Up Punter
Feb-28-2007 11:23
^ refers to his office as "The Fortress of Solitude"
< doesn't floss nearly enough, as the hygienist I saw yesterday can attest
v can sing the entire theme song to "Green Acres"
Feb-28-2007 18:45
^ has a piece of spinach stuck in his teeth
< only needs the pitchfork to end off the song...no, that's the real reason, I swear...
V recites "Casey At Bat" before sitting down to a meal at restaurants
Old Shoe
Feb-28-2007 22:55
^Habitually screams "you mean I gotta eat this without gravy???" at the iced cream store.
< eats all his meals off the tip of a bat, thanks very much
V likes to say "Salsa!"
Mar-3-2007 19:45
^ likes to go to his favourite Chinese restaurant and order "sweet and sour cat"
< really likes salsa, because salsa is so delicious and the ingredients of salsa are really yummy, so salsa tastes good! Salsa!
V wears eye-colour changing contact lenses
Washed Up Punter
Mar-6-2007 09:36
^ Keeps a pair of bunny slippers under her desk at work
< Knows for a fact that girls think Marilyn Manson's eyes are sexy
v has invented a sure-fire hangover cure
Mar-6-2007 12:13
^had a hangover induced nightmare about bunny slippers
<cant cure what Ive never had
v will be a smart-alec like everybody else in sleuthville (which of course is a good thing)
Safety Officer
Mar-7-2007 04:57
^ is dodging the question, and is being selfish keeping quiet about this hangover cure
< has never noticed before, how pointy that hat is in Akemo's generic avatar.
v will have a funky hat or two in RL.