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^<V Game!
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Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-3-2006 01:42

The rules are quite simple...

^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.


Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Feb-10-2007 20:48

ok saw this and had to answer :)

^ Made a correct guess and is also one of the founding members of the nuts
< Just came back off vacation
v Will be jumping up and down like an idiot

Old Shoe

Feb-10-2007 23:14

^is wrong, I'm sitting down
<is going to be a real life pirate soon (yes its true)
V will be uber-cool

Old Shoe

Feb-10-2007 23:45

^ has been comparison shopping for eyepatches and shoulder-parrots on e-bay
< is the coolest bald guy ^ has ever met (it's in the records, people) but is not quite uber-cool or uber bald yet (I swear, there's like three hairs left)
V has a nickname in real life

Washed Up Punter

Feb-11-2007 00:10

^ Brags about baldness but is actually wearing a mullet wig as we speak

< Has no nickname, but has just decided to start demanding people call him "Spanky"

V has an unusual talent


Feb-13-2007 12:01

^ is full of Spankity-doo-dah goodness. Whatever that means.
< is unusually talentless, save for her bizarre (and useless) ability to tie a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue.
V drives like an eighty-year-old blind man.

Larry the Toe II
Larry the Toe II

Feb-14-2007 02:21

^ has a very talented tongue.
< is 14 yrs old and therefore cannot drive.
V has learnt the oxford pocket dictionary by heart.

Old Shoe

Feb-14-2007 05:55

^is wrong, i've spent that time sleuthing and looking for piratey stuff.
<feels happy that he won't get as much sleuth chat ridicule with some teens around.
Vlikes Daft Punk


Feb-14-2007 17:21

^ is a Daft Pirate who might just have to explain to me what Daft Punk is. Unless he meant I like A daft punk, which I would have to assume refers to Mister Anikka. Which would be accurate. :)

< says in six sentences what could easily be said in two words. Or less.

V is a rabid wombat in disguise.

Old Shoe

Feb-28-2007 00:07

^eats thesauruses like they were cool ranch shrimp balls
< is chewing a wombat as we speak, and started a support group for rabis sufferers. It's b.y.o bib though.
v flosses regularly

Washed Up Punter

Feb-28-2007 11:23

^ refers to his office as "The Fortress of Solitude"

< doesn't floss nearly enough, as the hygienist I saw yesterday can attest

v can sing the entire theme song to "Green Acres"

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