^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Dec-13-2006 13:14
^ is totally correct about my secret squirrel chasing
< went to Tenacious D last night
V likes playing large steel drums at inappropriate times
Old Shoe
Dec-26-2006 00:46
^ considers himself the pick of destiny :)
< considers himself a drum-banging calypso god.
V is sad about the passing of James Brown.
Sleuth About Town
Dec-26-2006 19:04
^ is hilarious
< is sad but not because of the passing of James Brown, but has her own reasons.
V will be a Sleuth "non-addict" (if unclear about what I mean, ask crunch)
Jan-6-2007 12:33
^ does a wicked James Brown impersonation
< wants to know how much wood a woodchuck would chuck, if the wood chuck chucked wood
v has lately been involved in drilling a hole in a wall near you!
Jan-6-2007 22:11
^keeps notes posted all over her house saying.. to thyne own self be true.
<is disappointed..
v will have a happy day now that you have posted here. smiles
Old Shoe
Jan-27-2007 01:24
^must have 'drill' confused with 'Hammer'
< is irritated by inexplicable banging on the wall
V likes tree forts.
Agent Andrew
Jan-27-2007 23:13
^ Burnt a Burger, thus coming up with his name (Crunch-Patty).
< Ugh-ed Out...
v is in a Good Mood.
Jan-27-2007 23:19
^ has initials that remind me I should quit drinking
< is SO bored right now, he's resorting to PMing random people to explain JUST how bored he is
V thinks Crunchpatty kind of looks like that creepy shop teacher you had in high school, Mr. Twofingers.
Jan-30-2007 15:11
^needs to stop drinking if he is
<doesn't know who Mr. Twofingers is, but agrees with serges
vagrees with me that nobody should smoke or drink (as an alcholic)
Jan-30-2007 15:22
(V will also change the topic to something more fun)