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Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-3-2006 01:42

The rules are quite simple...

^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.



Sep-14-2006 01:37

^ Is very sweet to say that, and is totally flattering--not that he should stop.....
< Is just tickled with her first contact, especially with those Shanghai Slides he makes.
V Probably has never had a Shanghai Slide.

Lucky Stiff

Sep-14-2006 04:03

^ is totally right
< wonders where in Boston you can get a thong stuffed with Mexican
v will know what a Shanghai Slide is

Clara Dark
Clara Dark

Sep-14-2006 04:45

^ needs luck finding underwear stuffed with tacos

< has no idea what a Shanghai Slide is, but wants to know

v will tell her what a Shanghai Slide is


Sep-14-2006 15:37

^ Has the wrong perdition
< can't wait for my birthday
v will have a birthday soon

Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-14-2006 16:08

^ How'd she know?
< Is turning 17 on October 9'th.
V Will say something about me, him/herself, and whoever posts after him/her.


Sep-16-2006 04:19

^ nice name
< Is turning 15 in October 30th
v never seen me here before

Safety Officer

Sep-16-2006 06:09

^ has a name that I have pronounced at least 5 differnt ways snce seeing it just now.
< Is settling with Dolly Parton Joelene, Joelene, Joelene, Joeeeeeleeeene pronounciation.
v will be rockin' the 'stache.

Pinball Amateur

Sep-16-2006 16:49

^ Great 'stache, though I'm not quite sure if that's what your phrase is looking for... (hopelessly confused look)

< Wishes someone would please explain these mind-boggling idioms to her once in a blue moon.

V Knows what 'rockin' the 'stache' means....


Sep-17-2006 04:24

^ Needs to visit *hehe*
< Likes mustaches as a general rule, but doesn't have one
V Will rock something other than a 'stache.

Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-17-2006 16:19

^ Is unbearable when it comes to these mustaches.
< Thanks Jolyn, but mention's that my real name's Jordan L.
v Will say something positive. As is about magnets.

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