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Rufus Bradford
Rufus Bradford

Sep-1-2006 14:02

After you play for a while, cases start to seem alike and you begin to solve them least I do that... So I was tinking about features to make it more itchy...more exiting. For example, more body anlisys. You could find out a lot of thing by simply analizing what the murderer left behind in real life. So it should be some kind of skills, or a City Mourge where they tell you what was the height and weight of the body and all kinds of stuff. And you should be able to discover the murder weapon and the way the victim was murdered. That would be more using some of the items would be great...I would love to use my Chemistry Kit...or a Revolver :) So my suggestion would be a little more cooperation with the forensics and some more details about the murder and solving the mistery...and a small usage of items.....

Thank you verry much,

Best Regards,

Detective Bradford.


Eugenia Block
Eugenia Block

Sep-2-2006 13:30

Hooray for forensics!

Eugenia Block
Eugenia Block

Sep-2-2006 13:30

Let's make it part of the game.

Eugenia Block
Eugenia Block

Sep-2-2006 13:47

By the way, Rufus, how did the Sacco-Vanzetti case get solved ? Forensics, that's how. Sure, it wasn't as advanced as it is now but it was used nevertheless.

Rufus Bradford
Rufus Bradford

Sep-13-2006 14:53

I vote for that !! Cheers !!

Old Shoe

Sep-14-2006 05:56

Maybe you could get them to give you there finger prints. You know like a tough or charm skill.

Clara Dark
Clara Dark

Sep-14-2006 06:26

dust the collar of your coat with powder before they take it from you with their left/right hands when you visit them... :)

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