Old Shoe
Aug-30-2006 01:51
I heart stupidity. When you see it, post it here. I'll start.
Some of you know that I've do some teaching of first year sociology students in university. I really enjoy it, and love my students, but -GAWD- grading their work is a nightmare.
Through the course of a year, they have to write short essays on a range of topics ---feminism, Karl Marx, education, Freud, crime, etc. I feel kinda guilty laughing at these because of course they are writing under extreme pressure, but holy bobo I find them funny! Every so often, they write something so frickin' hysterical that it makes me gag laughing. These fleeting gems, I collect. Thought y'all might get a kick out of some of them.
Here we go. (nb, all typos and grammar boo boos are theirs from here on, not mine)
"Education is not really as old as many people think. It all came about in
the 1960s when the Russians were more advanced with outerspace."
"There is no evidence of women in society until the late 1990s"
"Freud is the classic theory of gender he believes the boy has the penis the girl has the clitoris simple as that"
"Freud said that a boy who plays too many dolls might be a p_ssy in later life"
"Feminists think women are the lowest of the low"
"Education is bias it only works for children who come from families where the parents are rich white and male"
"Hitlar believed in the destroying the Jews, however, his dictation only lasted until he was alive, after it was forgotten."
"Weber saw society from his eyes"
"someone from the low class is no good to us. we don't see them as nonsuccessful. That is because of sociology"
"Max Weber is a known and accredited sociologist"
"All around us in our society it is, said to be all around us these 'bureacracy' for example God is higher than Jeesus. The boss."
Replies |
Old Shoe
May-12-2007 00:41
Sound? Dude, on a clear day you can hear the gentle whooshing of the Pacific in them. It's, like, empowering...
May-27-2007 18:34
Wow. Really. Wow. I SO hope my teachers aren't giggling with each other while passing around MY final....
And I'm glad someone finally put it down for us Hispastic women - it's tough for us!
My wallet's been lost for a little over a month. I'm totally stressin out, because suddenly I have to roll with no driver's license, I can't get money from the ATM or anything like that. I last remember using it at work to pay a bill online. This was on a Friday, so I spent the weekend hoping that none of the janitorial crew had jacked my stuff. When I return to work, the wallet is nowhere to be found. I had to replace everything, order a new license, bank card, (and my BevMo membership card, of course!) About a week ago, a little old lady I work with (total pothead), asks me if I'm missing my wallet, because she's found it. (why she needed to ask if I was missing it, I don't know). I can't imagine where it could be - I've ransacked my room, my house, my SUV (that was a nightmare) and found nothing. I ask her where I might find it, and she replies that she left it where she found it - in the refrigerator.
"Stupid, party of one!"
Old Shoe
May-28-2007 00:16
yeah but on the bright side, you've been paying for your meth with some temp's month-old Danone Silhouette yogourt for like a month now, and haven't gotten burned!
Please edumacate me: What's a BevMo card and is the last bit short for 'motel'?
Safety Officer
May-28-2007 07:55
Hey my brother lost his wallet in the fridge too ceno. He was making a sandwich and just put everything on the bench back in the fridge, including the wallet. S'where they get the term 'cold hard cash' from, I suppose... ergh.
But the amount of times I have tried to put the kettle back in the fridge instead of the milk is truly scary.
May-29-2007 21:06
And then there was the time my mother was late for work. She threw her purse into the fridge and ran out to her car with a loaf of bread under her arm... Sadly, I think that explains a lot about me.
I gotta say, I don't think putting your wallet in the fridge is stupid, anyone can be absent-minded or stressed and do that... but how do you find a wallet in a fairly public fridge, know who it belongs to, and then LEAVE IT THERE? Ceno, I hope you did something truly cruel to the old broad. Like, I dunno... lace her pot with skunk spray?
May-30-2007 14:12
ha ha! I thought it was strange for the old bag to leave it there too, but then I thought, 'she's such a stoner, she'd probably forget where SHE put it after that'. I'm so glad I'm not the only dumbie that leaves inappropriate things in the fridge...... it would have been nice to find it before I had to cancel all my cards, tho.
And crunchpatty: BevMo is an abbreviation for the best store in the whole world. Beverages 'n' More. It's like a big liquor warehouse, with all necessary mixers and peripheral equipment. And it's got harder-to-find stuff than the grocery store.
Lucky Stiff
May-30-2007 14:38
Awww man! I could use one of those around here!
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Jun-3-2007 04:47
I remember telling a girl about my family. I mentioned that I had 2 nephews and had been an uncle for 7 years. "oh," she said, "So how old is the oldest?"
Jun-4-2007 19:05
Brasco, that chick was probably just nervous due to your huge biceps and witty banter. You can hardly blame her.
I am indeed sorry for Biggie, crunch and any others less fortunate than myself, who do not have BevMo in their area. I'm gonna spill some brew for the homies that suffer without Beverages 'n' More.
Scarletta Jones
Jun-4-2007 19:22
Okay here's one. My sister and I go into the grocery store one day and we get this pie for dessert. We go up to the cashier (who was at least two year older than me and I'm 16) and he says, "Hey, did you get this pie from Burger King across the street?" All I could say to him was "Yea we stole it and decided to pay for it over here. NO we didn't get it from there!!!" My sister still laughs about it to this day.