Anything and Nothing
Lucky Stiff
Aug-23-2006 22:01
I have created a sleuth miracle!
Go ahead and try, but this thread is about anything and nothing, all at the the same time!
This is the place where Al can talk about world domination, Crunch can worship David Hasselhoff, SS can try and find even more complicated questions for his pub quizzes, Nikkie can advertise for Tim Tams, cfm can troll for more Sharpie victims, JR can beg for the chance to win Bobo back, and bedazzling can be a way of life!
So go off, rant and rave, talk about anything, i don't care, I just wanted to see my avatar on the page (when its actually me anyways)
So go ahead, I dare you all to try and hijack me :)
Replies |
Lucky Stiff
Nov-25-2006 23:54
LOL Wynnie, you capture the true spirit of what this thread is all about...
(does it again for effect)
Old Shoe
Nov-26-2006 01:45
*agrees about the unique spirit of this thread* I like when folks treat it as a blog for those with an attention span of less than a minute.
What's funny is if the freak in the yellow visor had told me that having frog in my salad was like a perk, or the new 'supersizing', I would have probably paid extra. Frog legs= yummage.
Related: I recently ate my first fish eye. Crunchier than you think, though, much much crunchier. Also, I think any vegetables scraped off of a McChicken count as a form of salad, if not a salad 'proper'.
Random: apparently, I'm a creepy van owner. Check out the AVL to learn more. Get outta my dreams and into my van.
Glad you're feeling better, what'syourname!
Lucky Stiff
Nov-26-2006 06:54
Ok so out of boredom, not being able to sleep, and some prompting from another insomniac friends, I checked out my post history going back awhile. I can't bump these threads, but I HIGHLY recommend you check out backstabbers and cell phones, as I just spent about an hour laughing my butt off at how funny they ended up.
Anything and Nothing is great, but it totally ended the good old days of thread hijacking....nothing like it (check out the Apartments thread in Sleuth Talk also for a recent batch of it lol)
God I wish the boards would go back to something like that :)
Lucky Stiff
Nov-26-2006 07:33
ok and I just got finished reading Anything and Nothing in its entirety...
god theres some great stuff on here :) I vote for more zodiac readings by Badass!!
Nov-26-2006 20:27
I can't believe you read it all Biggie... you must be totally wired..
thanks crunchpatty.. i am feeling better..
today i worked.. came home... played sleuth... oh and i had a salami sandwich... my life is exciting isn't it.. :)
tommorrow i work.. I d0n't want to go to work... I want to sit in a jelly-like state on the couch...
Nov-27-2006 20:06
SOOOOOOO..... is there no one out there?? *looks around*
Did Al Z come in here and terrorize everyone?? well, it cant be crunhpatty.. he is well groomed with his braid.
alright people... start talking and i mean it... really ... don't make me pull out my super-soaker... *pumps supersoaker...taking aim* don't make me use this ..
Nov-27-2006 21:08
Personally wynnie, I'm hoping you DO use it. I'll even point out the targets for you...
Well, actually the targets are pretty obvious. Look for the female Sleuths wearing white shirts and fire away. Don't forget to make sure you get some splash-back too.
As for me, I'm off for another hidden-rock-filled day on the ol' Slip and Slide.
Lucky Stiff
Nov-28-2006 03:12
*hurriedly puts on a black shirt since its frickin freezing out*
be careful of that slip n slide Serges, its a good way for you to lose that pretty bikini top of yours :)
Nov-28-2006 10:55
I'm hungry...
Nov-28-2006 15:05
welll... HELLO HUNGRY... hee hee..
yeah Serges.. be careful on that slip and slid... the paper cut you would get is killer... hee hee
*unloads super-soaker on Biggie* to bad that black shirt is see through!! LOL