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RSS feeds for the message boards?
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R Anstett
R Anstett

Aug-12-2006 22:03

Ben, is it possible to set up an RSS feed for the message boards please?

It would be nice to automatically get each new post sent out so everyone can keep caught up on topics here.

It would also be helpful on the agency boards as well.



Aug-13-2006 00:05

I will be as calm about this as i can be, but this seems like a very unnecessary idea in my opinion. As someone who is responsible for checking the boards and making sure they remain clean and orderly i have never had an issue with checking time stamps to see what is new on the boards. I see absolutely no good reason for the changes you have requested Ran and think it would simply make some members of the community even more vulnerable than they may already be. I HOPE all members of the commuity are good people, but broadcasting threads like the middle school one or the where are you from one might just be encouraging and facilitating those who might be here for less than pure reasons.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Aug-13-2006 00:25

This is the only forum/message board that I frequent that does not have some sort of subscription or feed. It is simply easier to follow the flow of information that way.

Your point of broadening the reach of threads to others who are here for "less than pure reasons" is not going to change if there is a feed or not. They would still have to find the community and subscribe to the message board system.

In fact it would be easier for a guardian to watch what their child is doing if they could have a feed from the boards rather than having to follow along behind them every step of the way.

Con Artist

Aug-13-2006 01:26

Well, I know I'm pretty new around here. (How much longer can I keep saying that?) Anyways, I just wanted to put my foot in, or my two cents in my mouth. Wait a minute, reverse that. :0) <watching as you try and figure out what I mean>

I don't see what's so wrong with RSS feeds per say. I can check the time stamps with the best of them, but there are certain features I would love to have RSS'd straight to my email inbox. The sleuth updates is high on my list because its not something checked everyday, and often I don't see a new post there for several days. In the message boards, the Mods could have control over which threads you would be able to subscrib to. Keeping appropriate threads on the blocked list if there is a concern that I am unaware of. In the agencies, giving directors the ability to RSS threads would be an awesome feature! Think about being able to see that a new hunt is up and running, or its current status, when you just check your email and aren't logged in to sleuth. An even more appealing idea is the ability to subscribe to another agencies threads (with permision). There are so many rpg'ers here with in depth storylines. If some agencies would be willing to share those with the rest of us, think of the expansion to the game. The community would be lifted up by such a contribution!

These ideas are my own and are not intended on starting a flame war... So be gentle. :0)

R Anstett
R Anstett

Aug-13-2006 06:20

I like your idea about hunt information being sent out.

Of course each player can choose what feeds they would want to be subscribed to.

It could help a great deal to see those story lines if you are involved in that.

Or when a post gets buried on the main boards by one or two people posting short irrelevent one liners to older threads.


Aug-13-2006 06:29

Of all the things that Admin could be working on, is this really a priority that needs to be done? Is it really that awful to have to click on Slueth Talk and look at the date stamp to see the latest post? Maybe Ben could send me a personal wake up call each morning and read the new posts to me so I dont have to do ANYTHING.

Carrie Mehome
Carrie Mehome

Aug-13-2006 07:07

For us who are not that computer literate what is an RSS feed? If it is to send me more pop ups or stuff to my email that would not be nice. I like to play the game the way it is and I like to snoop around the boards. The date and time are on for most recent post so I can check ones I like and ignore the rest.

Safety Officer

Aug-13-2006 07:26

lol I'll give it a shot carrie... RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, which doesnt really mean much to you either I suppose ;) me neither!
It just means that Ben supplies a link to the Boards, that people can use to automatically generally the content of the Gumshoe Lounge or their Agency Board, or I suppose specific threads, into another website or a Blog (thats where you see most RSS feeds)... I suppose the feed could go straight to your email too.
So if your agency board changed saying 'hunt starting in Delhi' and you weren't logged on, you might get an email 5 or 10 minutes later, with that post when the RSS feed is automatically sent from Sleuth.
I also think ranstett is saying you'd subscribe to it, not be bombarded with unwanted emails.
and having said all that, I'm with you and roamie :D

PS Ben I have to be at work at 7.30am EST Australian Time, 6.45am should do for a wake up call.. ta mate ;)

Safety Officer

Aug-13-2006 07:28

*generally = generate (it's late sorry :) )

Lucky Stiff

Aug-13-2006 07:37

Sleuth wake up calls....I could use those on the weekends when we're in a hunt :)

Do you think someone could call me at the server reset so I can work my ten cases as soon as I get them?

In all honesty, I really don't see what the point would be to this, its just as easy for me to log in and check sleuth as it is for me to log in and check my email. Seems to be unnecessary IMHO and just sort of lazy and demotivating for people to actually log on. I don't have a problem with the timestamps, and not that many posts get lost by "irrelevant one-liners" as you called it Ran, just go back one page and there they are :)

Just my two cents :)

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Aug-13-2006 09:43

I think it would be cool to have that for the AGENCY message boards for the hunts, and whatever other important info the Directors wanted their agents to read, but I dont think it would be necessary for the city hall message boards. I would have no need to visit city hall if I had new messages emailed to me :( :) Its a great idea tho, but if it would happen, I think it would be nice for just agencies to have that option to do that :) Just my opinion :)

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