The story continues...
Aug-25-2004 12:46
Elsey walks into the local bar, The Tricky Mister, and asks her old buddy Cyrus to pour her a drink.
"Something girly," she asks him. "Something the boys will laugh at."
She smiles and looks around the room. She thinks about who else might walk into the room tonight. She turns back to her girly drink and waits for Sir James to arrive, as he undoubtedly will at some point.
Just then, the front door opens and in walks....
Replies |
Larina Rhodes
Jul-2-2005 05:10
Makensie. Larina and Lady Grey move closer to Makensie in case the man begins to threaten her or anything.
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jul-2-2005 07:50
Makensie is looking at this man, and having no clue who this guy is. She sees Larina and Lady Grey walking over to help me if needed, and Makensie is just having a bad day so she doesnt really give a care what she says , so she says in a very stern voice to this man, "WHO in the WORLD are YOU? I have no friggin CLUE to who you are,so I know I didn't do anything wrong." Makensie puts her hand on her Dragon fan,and finds the button that sends fire out when pushed. (and they thought this fan was just to look charming hehe)
Larina and Lady Grey are no standing beside Makensie,and they are all trying to figure out who this man is.
He continues walking in their direction, saying....
Larina Rhodes
Jul-2-2005 10:03
"It's you, Makensie Brewer it's you fault my son can't walk anymore, you made them break his legs when he tried to get her" he points at Larina. LArina recongizes this rough looking man to be her father. He pulls out a gun and points it at Makensie.
"I'll make you pay" and then...
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jul-2-2005 11:27
all of a sudden, a trained bloodhound leaps at this man,knocking him down. The dog holds his arm where he was holding the gun, in his mouth.
Makensie looks at Larina "Man, can't even go out and enjoy the newly remodeled bar and have a drink...and that is your father? Wow, I DO need a drink now"
Makensie starts to go find someone to take care of this man,on her way to get a drink, but stops as a familiar face walks in,ready to save the day. It is.....
The Mad One
Jul-2-2005 15:52
The Mad One, curious as to what distracted his sister from her lecture he wanders over.
"So this is the new subject for my experiments" *He giggles*
"Don't move I'll be right back"
*He moves to the "Insane scientist devices checking counter" and retrieves a large crate, a hammer, a large box of nails and a thermonuclear musical whoopee cushion*
*With the assistance of the bloodhound and some chocolate Larina's father is transferred into the crate and it is nailed shut*
*The Mad One sticks a mailing address in Delhi onto the crate*
*At this point Lady Grey sits down on the whoopee cushion*
*She is fired 8 feet in the air to the tune of....*
Jul-20-2005 08:44
BABY GOT BULLETS... She jumps and shoots and scores the scientists fall to the ground in an attempt to worship her for working toward fixing there creations. Then guess who walks in....
Jul-20-2005 15:21
...Good ol' kidgame2004! Kid walks in looking to have a drink. He knew he was underage but he hoped to get something to drink anyways wheter it was alcoholic or not. He wonders what is going on and what all these crazy people are doing.
"What in the world is going on here? Should I call the cops here or not? Or should I handle things myself? Makensie how dare you start this trouble" kidgame accuses makensie.
To makensies surprise, kid runs up to makensie, kisses her on the cheek while grabbing for the dragon fan so she can't use it on kid.
In reply Makensie....
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jul-20-2005 21:19
knees Kidgame in the groin and laughs, saying "Nice try Kid!...and How dare you blame ME for this trouble. I'd think twice next time buddy", and points her Dragon Fan at him,as he hides his head. Makensie laughs again and says "Oh don't worry, I wouldn't REALLY hurt you" and winks, you not knowing what to think.
Makensie walks up to the bar and orders an ice water, and Cyrus asks "You feeling ok Mak?" Makensie says "Sure, why?" Cyrus says, "Since when do you order ice water?" Makensie laughs and says "Trying to watch my figure" and we both laugh.
As Makensie sits at the bar with her water and chit-chatting with Cyrus, in walks.....
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jul-20-2005 21:22
Kidgame. Makensie turns and looks at him and says "Truce? or do u want more?" and smiles friendly, letting him know she is just kidding. Kid smiles and says "I'll have what you are having" Cyrus says "I know you will, you are too young for alcoholic beverages" Makensie says to Kid, "That kiss on my cheek was really sweet tho, even if you did have an agenda behind it" Kid blushes, and Makensie laughs and sips her water.
The Tricky Mister suddenly starts getting busy, as in walks....
Jul-21-2005 09:42
Angel She is back and better than ever looking stunning in her new shades. lol... Then all of a sudden angel notices her ex- ...