The story continues...
Aug-25-2004 12:46
Elsey walks into the local bar, The Tricky Mister, and asks her old buddy Cyrus to pour her a drink.
"Something girly," she asks him. "Something the boys will laugh at."
She smiles and looks around the room. She thinks about who else might walk into the room tonight. She turns back to her girly drink and waits for Sir James to arrive, as he undoubtedly will at some point.
Just then, the front door opens and in walks....
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Jun-22-2005 00:27
Envy stumbled up the street, making a vain attempt to catch her breath. "Puppy! Puppy, come here right now you bad dog!"
Maybe, she thought to herself, we should have called him by his name more often so I wouldn't have to sound like a fool running down the street shouting 'puppy'.
After Puppy dutifully came to her she had a moment to look around. She was stunned by what she saw. The bar and street were a disaster! Holes, dead fish, and now shoes.
"What on earth is going on here? And where did all these shoes come from?" She looks around for Cyrus and Shady, suspecting that maybe they've been hording all the shoes of Sleuthville. "I need a drink..."
Just as she reached for a stray bottle...
Jun-22-2005 12:03
DaRu walks out from the ladies room and says, "Mad One, why didn't you just tell Makensie, Envy and everyone the truth about the chocolate candy?" "Everyone is going to find out if one dog has a reaction to the secret formula we created." Makensie, Envy, & those sitting about looks puzzled at DaRu & Mad One", as The Mad One replies, "I guess you've got a point, well Ok, it's time to let the cat out of the bag," DaRu steps upon a chair so everyone can hear her better and continues, "Back a few weeks ago when the Piranahs got lose and started attacking animals, our children & citizens, The Mad One & I decided to create a secret formula to give to our hounds to make them aggressive & attack & kill without fear." Remember when, we were under attack in the bar by them, and Mad One carried me to the Fortune Tellers where we met at our secret place?, well we met with a man that manufactured our mixture of Cyklopin, Chromazix, mutated toxins, piranah's blood, mixed with peanut butter, then wrapped in imitation choclate. The mixture was frozen, the cut into tiny junks. The man brought us several boxes of the formula"....DaRu pauses to take a drink of water off the table...then cont's "then today when the fish returned & we couldn't get the hounds to go down in the tunnels, we decided to try the candy out, at which time The Mad One called the dogs to the bar and gave it to them." But, (she turned & looks at Makensie, whose taking a big swig of liquor)...Mad One didn't want you to know so he lied to you that it was chocolate candy, and jstkdn had to pretend it was as well to keep our cover..." "But, makensie replies, I thought you were my close drinking buddy jstkdn, so why couldn't you trust me enough to tell me?" she turns to hide the tears in her eyes...when Envy walks up and ask out of concern for her Puppy.."Do you think the drug can kill the hounds?"....then The Mad One reaches out and pats her and says, "Na, I've already tested it on the hounds." meanwhile....
Jun-22-2005 14:55
jstkdn has a taste of the fake chocolates. Makenzie through her tears says "jstkdn, look at you!"
DaRu, Mad One, and Envy stand horrified....
Jun-22-2005 16:12
...as jstkdn's eyes begin to turn red and she reaches for her Tommy Gun.
Envy reaches for Makenezie's bottle and takes a long swig.
"You" She says, pointing at DaRu and The Mad One "Need to find an antidote for these chocolates. And you," She switches her gaze to jstkdn "need to put that gun away and have another drink!" She takes another long pull form Makenzie's bottle before passing it to jstkdn.
Feeling a little better about things with the alcohol warming her stomach she looks around at all the hounds, including her normally docile Puppy, as they devour any Piranha they can find. Deciding she needs another drink, she heads to the bar, hoping Cyrus will come out of hiding long enough to pour her a good stiff drink. "Cyrus! Where are you? I need a drink, STRONG. And maybe some music to lighten the mood." She glances at Makensie, then at the one table still standing, and smirks. "Tonight still has some hope for fun!"
Just then...
Jun-22-2005 17:13
A man walks into the bar and says, "I'm from the State Liquor Board, and I'm here to see the owner." Cyrus who had been in the storeroom, overhears this, quickly hides in the broom closet because he forgot to renew his liquor licenses. Makensie who finds the man quite handsome, "thinks if I can get him intoxicated & do some sweet talkin' maybe he'll let it slide this time"...she walks over to him and says, "Hello there,"I'm Makensie Brewer" smiles sweetly then says, "Can I pour you a drink from my bottle of Brandy?"... the man replies, "No, thank you pretty lady, I can't drink while on duty, but I'll take a rain check," "Hey, this is a one time offer only, well then, it's your loss, my gain," then she whirls around and walks back to her chair. Meanwhile he turns from the counter and takes a look around at everything, and spots the bloody fish & hounds licking it up...he looks horrified as he yells out, "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE?, I DEMAND TO TALK TO THE OWNER RIGHT NOW, OR I'M USHERING EVERYONE OUT, INCLUDING THE DOGS AND PUTTING A PAD LOCK ON THE DOOR IF THE OWNER DOESN'T GET HERE RIGHT AWAY!!" Cyrus, decides he better act fast, and walks out meekly towards the man whose very irritated."Sir,I'm Cyrus,the owner of the bar. I'm sorry, but I can't produce my liquor licneses because I failed to renew them. I didn't because of all the excitement that's happened lately, as you can seer." "Well, uh, the man calms down a bit, I don't even want to know what took place here tonight, and it's your business to get this place cleaned up, then I have to padlock it tonight, until you submit your licenses to the Board." With that the man starts trying to usher everyone out the door....when...
Jun-22-2005 17:27
Cyrus grabs the man's arm, pleading for time to renew them, without closing down his business, which will hurt him finacially. "Sir, please!", Cyrus begs,"Is there anything I can do to keep the doors open." "I didn't think you'd close me down tonight", "At least that's the way I took it when I heard you awhile ago." By this time Cyrus was making the man really angry and he turns and shouts, "YOU CAN'T SERVE LIQUOR WITHOUT A LIQUOR LICENSES!!!, then continues shoving people towards the door.....when....
Jun-22-2005 21:40
Texan pushes his way inside and sees DaRu, jstkdn, makensie, envy, & others down on the floor scrubbing up blood, a pile of dead piranans & bloodhounds laying around, he wonders what in the world, then goes over to Cyrus whose at the bar says, "Hey bud, what happened? Cyrus explains that the Liquor Control Board just left, & are fixing to shut him down because he forgot to renew his liquor licenses. Cyrus says, "Man I can't afford to have my bar closed," Texan replies, "Well hey, I've got a good friend that's pretty highup down at the Liquor Control Board, so let me give him a call and see what he can do." Texan looks over and sees his hound "Lone Wolf," & commands him to follow him out the door....meanwhile jstkdn falls over on the floor and starts kicking her legs about. Her whole body shaking violently as she kicks her legs about...then she starts talking out of her head and slobbering at the mouth. DaRu runs over to help...but she bites her hand...causing DaRu to scream out in pain....then DaRu says, "Somebody call an ambulance, I think that piece of candy has poisoned her...hurry quick! then.....
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper
Jun-22-2005 22:22
Makensie stands up, wondering where that handsome guy went. She was thinking she would try again with her charm...and started crying at her failure to even get him to turn her way. Then she spots Jstkdn on the floor going crazy, and Daru yelling for an ambulance. Makensie, who isn't good in emrgencies, starts panicing and yells 'OH MY GOD, JSTKDN CAN'T DIE ON US....HURRY,DO SOMETHING!!" Then Makensie notices a phone and dials 911...."Ummmm....hurry, we need an ambulance at Cyrus's bar!!!" Daru yells..."The NAME Makensie...the NAME" Makensie who is starting to get even more nervous, yells "The NAME!!!" Daru growls in frustration and Texan rushes to the phone and continues to tell the person on the phone where to send the ambulance.
Makensie sits in shock, shaking uncontrollably at this terrible thing happening to Jstkdn, when suddenly, in walks....
Jun-22-2005 23:34
...a short, pale, balding, chubby man. Just by looking at him everyone in the bar can tell he thinks an awful lot of himself but abviously doesn't look in a mirror too often.
He reaches into his coat and pulls out a business card. "I'm from State Health Department, here for the annual inspection. May I ask..." His nasal voice trails off as he looks around at the chaos. "Er...um...may I assume you...uh...weren't...mmm...expecting me?"
Cyrus slumps against his bar and buries his face in his hands. "Why me?" Makensie doesn't even notice him enter due to the fact that he's distinctly NOT tall, dark, and handsome. DaRu gets up from where she was bleeding on the floor and reaches for her revolver, determined to make one thing stay in her control. Jstkdn flais around even more violently and lands a few solid kicks to the health inspector's shins. Envy, deep into a bottle of rum, giggles a bit and attempts to stand. She walks over to the health inspector and breathes heavily in his face, causing him to cough and try to hold his breath. "Waddya mean 'not espectin' you? We knew you were comin'. Thas why this place is so clean! There's no fish guts, no doggies, no slobber, and certainly no poisoned woman on the ground! Go 'way!" As she finishes here little lie she stumbles and knocks the inspector into the largest pile of piranahs in the bar.
As the sound of sirens fill the air...
Jun-23-2005 02:10
Llolly decides just to hide out in the cellar for a while. She's found Cyrus' secret stash of 110% proof Portuguese moonshine and is trying to roget the horrible sights of the evening. She has a child to consider and doesn't fancy being kidnapped, killed, poisoned, eaten or abused. She fervently wishes for a strong, calm, nononsense kinda character that won't take cheek from anyone to turn up and sort the mess out. She can hear the sirens and can see the place being deserted in a few minutes, Cyrus and The Mad One; if they find his piranha feed, off to the cells, Jstkdn and Makensie off to the hospital, the maddened hounds to the vets... At that, she bursts into tears and crawls into a corner....
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