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white bear
white bear

Jul-30-2006 13:21

...the game needs a random occurrence...i would suggest that
the detective gets shot in one of the breaks in the mystery and
that he has to go to the hospital and thus he cannot finish the case.
this randomness would apply to all types of cases. it would only
happen perhaps one out of 20 times. it would help smaller firms
who compete against the very large firms and would add some un-
certainty to the game...



Jul-31-2006 20:09

ahhh Barry you NEED to have lockpicking my friend....

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Jul-31-2006 20:45

Yes, I can see how it would save questions. Unfortunately, my skill point earning has recently reduced to an amazingly slow crawl. I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. I can't play the harder mysteries for the higher points because I don't have the skills to unclam or ID PE. So I have to stick to the easier ones which don't give a lot of points.

And yes, I know, subscribing would allow me into an Agency where I can get help solving cases and I'd be able to play more cases per day......

Old Shoe

Aug-1-2006 00:44

*into it*

once a year, and only once a year there could be a golden ticket door, programmed to appear at random.

Picture it.

Are you there yet? OK good.

You pick the lock and find Johnny Depp in full Willy Wonka garb (with a side order of extra creepy). He tells you you have won a free three month sub.

Umm, yeah out of respect to tradition, there could also be a flashing neon pink door that reveal some has-been celeb (Oh god please let it be Pee-wee Herman) telling you that you can win a one-monther by answering 3 questions.

Don't even get me started about the matrix. I think waay too much about that movie.

Edit: just the first one.

Lucky Stiff

Aug-1-2006 04:29

The skill points will only get worse from here on out...I only get them every 40,000 exp now :)

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