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Jul-7-2006 14:33

I can see how subscribed members have priority logging in, but once your sub has run out you lose the priority. I have a 2nd Det. which is no longer subscribed and this just adds to the challenge for faithful players since unsub cannot travel or start agencies wait that seems a little unfair. anyone??


Oliver Higgs
Oliver Higgs

Jul-10-2006 01:29

I say "let the non scribers have a little more room! all we do is do a case a day and maybe a favour, and then, we have to wait a whole day to play again!"


Jul-10-2006 02:14

There wouldn't be any sleuth for people to play for free, if it wasn't for the paid members. And people who pay, should be able to play, because that's what they paid for. They don't pay to have a lousy playing experience, because the game needs to support 90 unsubscribed people playing at a given time. There has been an influx of new members hence more room was required for the subbed members to be able to play. There have been various threads about it and comments from paid members. All and all it is yet another incentive to subscribe. Though I do understand that not everybody can afford that, the non subs aren't cut off completely. It still only affects non subscribers if there are a lot of people online.

Reese Withers
Reese Withers

Jul-10-2006 09:46

If unsubscribers want more room......subscribe ;) I agree totally with Jstkdn!

Old Shoe

Jul-11-2006 01:08

I agree principle...given that servers are maxxed out these days it makes complete sense to give priority to folks who coughed up the few measly bucks, like, d'uh! And I LOVE how much speedier the game has been recently. Go Sleuth's your like it's your birthday.

That said...I'm a bit of a lazy little pirate, and yeah, I was unsubbed for a couple of weeks while this change was introduced. It really sucked not being able to get on. My concern is that the rule, while certainly well-intentioned, might make new people go "OK screw this, without ever learning of the sweet sweet joy-nectar of subscriberhood". I know there's like a week's grace period or something, but really, I flirted with subscribing for MONTHS before I decided to pony this is me suggesting that a bit of a longer grace period might help to build the addiction that leads to subscription.

Lady of Shadows

Jul-11-2006 11:49

I see your point, crunch, and believe me we did consider the grace period time. (Just pointing out that you did eventually subscribe!) We do want to attract new players both subscribed and unsubscribed, at the same time we are running at high volume. Bottom line is that we have a responsibility to those who are paying users. This is not to say that things won’t improve and limited access rules won’t change in the future. This is the best possible solution for the time being.

I agree with Reese. If you want to skip the whole limited access wait, not to mention being left out of agencies, featured mysteries, more cases per day, etc., then subscribe! I am just having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that so many are complaining about being able to play a game for free.

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