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Biography pageant
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Jun-25-2006 00:30

Looking at various profiles from time to time, I notice some people have great bios, while others have none. In the spirit of community, I think a biography pageant would be great, in addition to the beauty pageant. While I'm not skilled or eloquent enough to write a mystery, I think a short paragraph is a great place to let myself and others show how they see themselves in the world of Sleuth. A bio pageant would be the perfect way to encourage this. P.S., I like crunchpatty's bio, very short, but it says a lot.


Safety Officer

Jun-25-2006 04:37

LOL! ... ummm... nope that's all I've got... LOL!


Jul-3-2006 19:15

Shvetz i think that's a way cool idea!
Even if their is not a bio pageant, i'm gonna do something NEW with my bio.
U should check out Reda's bio, it's great!

Saul Ramone
Saul Ramone

Jul-4-2006 11:01

I'm new to the board and the game. I like the idea of a bio pageant, since it adds character to the characters and that's one of the reasons I decided to stop in for a stint. Cheers.

Battered Shoe

Jul-4-2006 13:48

We've already had a Bio contest, just a month or two ago.

Saul Ramone
Saul Ramone

Jul-5-2006 13:35

How many newbies, such as myself, have joined in the past month or two? I think it would be an interesting event to host every other month or so.

Con Artist

Jul-5-2006 15:45

We usually have 2 or 3 a year. Speaking as a former organizer and a former judge, they take time and patience to organize. I personally think 2 or 3 a year is plenty. Perhaps you could find some other newbies who would be willing to organize, come up with a prize (which someone would have to purchase, of course), decide rules and judges and put one on. They are held in the gumshoe lounge since they're not technically sleuth related. Have fun! :)

Celia Scarlet
Celia Scarlet

Jul-5-2006 16:20

i like my bio just the way it is!

Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Jul-5-2006 21:08

I finally added a bio to my profile.


Jul-7-2006 05:05

Sorry guys, but my imagination took over while i was writing my it's a bit chaotic, but i hope it's interesting!

Old Shoe

Jul-7-2006 08:50

Uhh, I would not want to meet X3SM@N in dark alley behind some shady night club...... Luckily I think he´s on our side......

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