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I need help with the learning faction skills...
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Superstar Sleuth
Superstar Sleuth

Jun-21-2006 19:53

I started with the Dies Arcanum Brotherhood, I have a 14 (good) with them. When will I be able to learn pick pocketing?



Jun-26-2006 17:42

Why can't I talk to the Brotherhood?

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Jun-26-2006 17:53

laurenn you need to have at least 1 with any faction before you can talk to them

R Anstett
R Anstett

Jun-26-2006 18:48

The quick stats for factions:

+1 to talk to them
+10 to open treasure hunts (if you are subbed and in an agency)
+25 to teach you a skill
+30 to get the best prices on gear


Apr-27-2007 04:40

My problem is that already I have poor standings with L Costra, and the Order. If I want to improve them how can I? both are too negative (-6, -9)
My standing with Dies is 20.

Battered Shoe

Apr-27-2007 05:18

from the Newbie FAQ:

Each faction has certain benefits (such as special gear and special skills) that you can get the chance to acquire if they like you well enough. In order to get them to like you, you first need to solve a case where the famed "lady with the magnifying glass" appears in a cutscene and tells you the case is positive for the faction you want to get in with. When you then have a positive standing with the faction, you can do "little jobs" for them to make them like you more."

The FAQ has not been updated to add the relatively recent change wherein quitting a case which is negative for the faction you want to get in with will also increase your standing. Eventually you will get positive standings with the faction you're looking for.

FYI, as an unsubscribed person who is not in an agency, LCN's safecracking skill would not be of any use to you.

Safety Officer

Apr-27-2007 05:25

Ok it's a long road unsubbed but here's how it goes...

You have to keep track of the lady with the magnifying glass ie watch for cases that give you a change in faction standing.

Let's use La Cosa Nostra (LCN).

Stop doing little job questions for Dies Arcanum.
Quit any cases that LCN would prefer to go away.
Solve any cases they would like you to solve.

^ this will take days.

If you aren't keen on quitting any of your four cases for the day then over a period of time, as long as you don't do any little jobs for Dies, the game will eventually (in my experience and opinion) even itself out and you'll get to the point where you are +1 with either LCN or OoS.

^ this will take weeks.

And that's about the size of it.


Apr-27-2007 07:16

I haven't really planned on getting on the better side with A paticular faction. But it is helpful to know how you can actually go back on good terms with a faction you have low standings with.

Pinball Amateur

Apr-27-2007 16:55

Technically, it's possible to be in good standing with multiple factions at one time (in one city). I've been as high as +20 with two different factions at the same time. It's very, very difficult to be in good standing with all three factions in a city at once though, especially at a high level (+10 or more).

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