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detective ladder
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Jun-21-2006 07:40

the game needs a ladder...a listing of individual detectives ( not agency success ) that moves a detective up and down the ladder
depending on solving a case, quitting a case, paying off shady, etc...
so that there is some reason to play the game other than to collect a treasure...fame is relates to the combined value of
the detectives in the agency and the large agencies not only have
a lead but don't allow fame to be a competitive standard for new
agencies or solo subsribers...a ladder..with all starting equally..
that moves you up or down on merits and demerits in the game
would be a competitive vehicle...also the ladder should only use
the first three games of any one day...allowing non-subscribers to be on the ladder equally with a subscriber and keeping a few players from dominating the ladder by playing all day...i stopped playing at the site because i could not see sufficient motivation to
compete to collect a treasure per se....a ladder as in chess or as they have on it's your turn playsite for the types of games they have
there would add a fun competitive dimension and would want you
to play at least 3 games a day...


Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

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Safety Officer

Jun-21-2006 23:38

miaooooow TR. Personally the only granularity I'm interested is in my coffee cup :D

Con Artist

Jun-21-2006 23:48

lol ss.


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Con Artist

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Jun-22-2006 02:29

Weird to see this case of self-censorship :)


Jun-22-2006 02:30

Perhaps Ranstett meant "refinement" by using the word granulation...

Then again I'm not a native English speaker either.

R Anstett
R Anstett

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R Anstett
R Anstett

Jun-22-2006 06:50


gran·u·la·tion (grăn'yə-lā'shən) pronunciation n.
- The act or process of granulating.
- The condition or appearance of being granulated.

In our current discussion the individual score and parts that go into making up the "ladder" need to be large enough to have significant change. The other form of the word fits your description of refining and making things smaller.

Like LilRach pointed out the weekly high score currently serves this purpose of refining our scores by showing how many we solved and quit.

I think that Cesium is looking for a different scoring system that will highlight the larger picture.


Jun-22-2006 07:02

Aaand I think we're done with the definitions now and can get back to our regular transmission.

Think the topic was something about a detective ladder, if I remember right - let's all try to stay on it ;)

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