New Login Restrictions for Unsubscribed Players
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jun-20-2006 10:44
Over the past six months, we've been struggling to maintain a decent level of Sleuth server performance, despite increasing numbers of simultaneous players.
This is a great problem to have! It means there are lots of new people trying out Sleuth, but it's a bit of a losing battle logistically. There has been some success making software changes to improve things, but those gains are quickly eclipsed as traffic continues to increase. There is only so much the current hardware can handle.
New server machines will be purchased in the next couple of months. This will help, but if Sleuth continues to grow, it won't be long before capacity is reached on the new machines as well, and things will slow down again.
This situation is unfair for paying subscribers, who cannot enjoy the game at peak hours due to the lag of the servers. So, in the interest of fairness there will be a rule change that will limit when unsubscribed players will be able to access the game.
Starting later this week, detectives who are unsubscribed and older than 7 days, will not be allowed to login if there are already 60 or more detectives online.
You will not be allowed to login to the game if all three of the following conditions are true:
1) There are already 60 or more detectives logged in
2) Your detective is not currently subscribed
3) Your detective is older than 7 days
Sleuth has always been as welcoming as possible to non-subscribed players. We also recognize that in some countries, the monthly subscription price is not affordable to everyone, but this rule change is necessary for the well-being of the game. Paying subscribers deserve to have access to a game that is playable, accessible and fun.
The Sleuth Team
Replies |
Jun-22-2006 16:12
I'm sure that the new servers Ben is planning on won't come cheap. Hopefully having the limit at 60 will encourage more people to subscribe....*goes and re-subscribes*
Con Artist
Jun-23-2006 22:41
I know this probably will be of no use to this discussion due to the fact that I log on mainly anywhere from 6:00pm to somewhere around 4:00am pacific time to do most of my playing. And I'm guessing that this is not peak time. However, I am logging on with an EXTREMELY slow connection 26.4 kps dial-up and I have never once had even the slightest problem with lag.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jun-24-2006 18:29
OK, the new rule is in effect. We'll see how things go with the limit at 60. We'll re-evaluate what the correct limit should be in a week or so.
Jun-25-2006 19:39
I have to admit that the slowness of the site was a major factor in letting my subscription lapse, but now that I'm back in action, I'm glad for the new rule, because I've seen a VAST improvement....so, I'll be subscribing tomorrow!
Jun-26-2006 00:11
Speed is much better!!!
Game was only slow for few minutes when change over occured. Great!
Jun-26-2006 07:40
For subscribers it may be better this way. For people like me, who can't pay for one reason or another, it's sooooo annoying... I'm used to it since it's the same with Sryth, but that doesn't make it any less annoying. Especially when the number of people online is over 60 and keeps going UP every time you refresh the page...
In any case it is no longer possible for me to have a look at the boards, see a question I can answer, then log in and answer it.
Jun-27-2006 07:27
I may have spoken too soon, lol....very slow this morning...
Jun-27-2006 21:58
Yes, it was odd, it was very slow this morning til about 1 pm.
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Jun-28-2006 00:35
Yes, we had quite heavy traffic this morning. It's tough to keep things even enough.
Jun-29-2006 18:04
I don't know how anyone else feels about this, but it wouldn't be so bad if we had unlimited file space so we could at least save our cases when the site is moving slowly. It's tough trying to get them all done and help others with theirs when you're 'against the clock' so to speak. A bit frustrating, too. (Then some of the suspects decide to run and hide....ARGH!) :-)