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How many false accusions have you made?
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May-9-2006 06:19

I just had my first one.


Johnny Friday
Johnny Friday

May-11-2006 23:04

I've had 2.

Old Shoe

May-11-2006 23:25

Oodles. Each a larger lesion 'pon my fragile heart that the one before.

Lorna Sanders
Lorna Sanders

May-13-2006 17:38

i have had 0.

but then again . . . i've only solved 4 mysteries, so i'm bound to have a false accusation sometime or another.


May-13-2006 20:31

i haven't had any yet and i've solved around 24 mysteries.....

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

May-13-2006 20:35


And Thousands of quits

I'm not that good


May-13-2006 21:07

No clue. I used to have to pay Shady almost weekly though, until I had to start borrowing money to pay him off. Even then, it took me a while to learn my lesson. *blushes sheepishly*

R Anstett
R Anstett

May-13-2006 21:21

I will post again here a request to have a "total cases attempted" added to our list of quit and solved.

Cases Quit
Cases Solved
False Accusations
Total Cases Attempted

that would give us a break down that would also include the FM attempts.

Old Shoe

May-14-2006 00:52

tee hee, cfm

*wonders if a blushing sheep was where red wool originally came from*


then *wonders what made the sheep blush*

I'd be into Anstett's breakdown too...could be expressed as a valid total percentage. This would probably hurt my standing, lol, but might be a way to factor total real overall percentage into high scores too, as if you needed more content.

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

May-14-2006 08:10

In the Sleuth Community Sites page is a fantastic link to a "Sleuth Helper". I didn't do a case without it! But since I sometimes have to get away from the computer I needed to save it so I created an Excel spreadsheet version. I want to learn more about the game before offering it to all.

Sleuth Helper: A handy form to help you track suspects and evidence when solving cases. Webmaster: Naomi Hong

Travis Magee
Travis Magee

May-14-2006 11:13

i have had 0
so lately

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