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3 questions one more time
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jai holmes
jai holmes

May-5-2006 13:27

I'm a curious guy with lotsa questions, so here I go again.

1. Is there anyway I can kill my detective and make a new detective with the same name? How long is a "retired" detective in sleuth memory before that name can be used by someone else?

2. How does a detective become "inactive" and how is it different from "retired"?

3. I had a detective with an age of 10 days two weeks back. When I logged in today, instead of the age being 11 days, it is 25. Why is that? Is each day counted as age irrespective of your logging in?



May-10-2006 15:13


Old Shoe

May-11-2006 00:20

Um. ok. Big ups to Roxie for finding her 'shift' key. Bling on, sister.

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