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help, deleting!!!!!!!!!
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Forest Nymph
Forest Nymph

Apr-26-2006 21:19

umm...yesss....i need help deleting thins 'accont' because, i didnt know it cost money, so, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Apr-27-2006 21:43

as a non subscribed detective you can solve three cases per day and one favour. If you subscribe then you get 10 cases per day as well as traveling abilities. You can go to three other places, as well as joining a detective agency and participate in treasure hunts. The falsies that Georgina is talking about are false accusations, and if you get three of them your detective is deleted. You can however clear them off your record by paying shady at the bar with the money you get from clients and items you sell.

Bess Hardy
Bess Hardy

Apr-27-2006 22:00

Calalta is right. Plus, btw, if you need more money, Forest Nymph, you can sell those black lace ups. They don't give you a bonus, but at least you get more money!;)

Bess Hardy
Bess Hardy

Apr-27-2006 22:01

btw, that's Georgina on other account-whoops!:(


Apr-28-2006 00:53

Bess - I think she was talking about RL money and not sleuth money :)
If I could get RL money from selling items I have here I would be a very very very rich person.

Bess Hardy
Bess Hardy

Apr-28-2006 18:40


Forest Nymph
Forest Nymph

Apr-28-2006 22:13 do i make a falsy....i guess i dont really understand this game.

Old Shoe

Apr-28-2006 22:20

For some help, try clicking "Help" in the top right corner of your screen.

The "Newbie FAQ" is also a great place to check out. It is a small link at the bottom of your page.

This game is played by first opening a case at the "Case" tab. You can play a "Case Tutorial" which is located on the "Case" Tab. It is labled: "New Player?"

Welcome to Sleuth, and I hope that helps.

Georgina Hardy
Georgina Hardy

Apr-28-2006 23:01

To make a falsie, just wrongly accuse an innocent person of commiting a crime. The Welcome Newbies thread is realy imformative.

Georgina Hardy
Georgina Hardy

Apr-28-2006 23:02

The link is PM me if you can't get to it!:)

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