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Political Standings

Nehemiah Duke
Nehemiah Duke

Apr-24-2006 16:28

is it possible for your political ratings to go down without doing anything? what i mean is, does the standings can go down automatically?

thanks in advance!


Old Shoe

Apr-24-2006 16:32

If your standing with them is over 10, it will go down every day.

If it's over 10, it will remain constant unless you do another faction's little job or a case that says it will go down.

To keep it up, you must do the little job every day and do cases that support your faction.

Hope that helps you out Nehemiah Duke.

(Welcome to Sleuth and Thanks for Subscribing!)


R Anstett
R Anstett

Apr-24-2006 16:33

Yes if you do not do anything positive for a faction your standing will slowly go down.

For most detective it rises and falls based on the twists in cases and doing the little jobs. For each positive rise with one faction there is a decrease for different faction.


Apr-25-2006 02:31

Just to recap the numbers for you - standings between -3 and 10 won't change from day to day unless you do something that will make them change. But if you have more than 10 or less than -3 those standings will be affected by the daily adjustments ;)

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