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What skills made you go....
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R Anstett
R Anstett

Jan-24-2006 16:14

In training some of the new people for Mojo we were having the never ending discussion about skills.

We where talking about when we first used a skill what it felt like.

So for the rest of Sleuthville...

What Skill made you go "COOL!"
What Skill made you go, "oh that's it?"



Feb-6-2006 01:31

Lock picking-cool
judge of character for sure and I rarely use stress detection


Feb-12-2006 09:39

I was so infuriated when they told me I had to waste 12 skill points on Pickpocketing. I swear, if I could, I would have gotten La Cosa Nostra to gun down every single one of those Dies Arcanum freaks.

Sam Average
Sam Average

Feb-12-2006 10:23

Pickpocketing sounds like a huge waste of skill points to me. 12 skill points just to get a little extra money?

JoC is useful when my Charm skills weren't too great. I'd save a case an ask a more experienced to unclam a suspect if I thought there was too much risk that my skill wouldn't work. I'm sure it'll come in useful again as I develop tough skills. JoC would be more use if the difference between tough or charm working were greater.


Feb-13-2006 00:34

It is in AI's.


Apr-18-2006 06:41


Coco Cola
Coco Cola

Apr-18-2006 07:04

Research is still my fav, underworld skill is cool and survalance comes in handy, I often forget I have that last one. I get a clam nearly leave the suspect then think ah .... I may get you on some balckmail...ha ha.

Mark Stone
Mark Stone

Apr-18-2006 11:42

Reseach and lock picking are the best skills, also intimatitation and interagation. have not got any usless skills yet to be honest i just stuck with what i like

Dixon Smith
Dixon Smith

Apr-18-2006 13:44

After buying a lot of smart skills at the beginning, I chose judge of character as my first "earned skill." I worked hard to earn those 10 skill points (very smart archetype), and then, the exciting moment came... "you should choose to be nice" ... "wait. this doesn't do anything...?!!?!?!" (*throws papers across room*)

Humorously, my double (very tough archetype) has 1/4 of the experience as my first character and is already better off in skills, having completed the smart skills (less faction skills and adv. thread which he doesn't need in NY as he has the tailor as a contact... maybe later) and is one point away from completing the tough set.

It is a little comforting down the road though, to have an impression about your chances in unclamming a suspect, especially when you get a 100+ number. But knowing that, I'm still not going to get it for my double until I can get about 4 or 5 faction skills... so never, basically.

Della Devine
Della Devine

Apr-18-2006 15:05

RESEARCH! That's the one I said Wow, Cool! over.
So far, I don't think I have any skills that I think are worthless. I use JoC constantly. don' t have stress detection yet,
Lock picking is sometimes pretty useful, other times..... like when you finally get someone who's door you can pick and they give you a list of suspects who are already on your list. Or you just need their alibi and get the same thing.

Old Shoe

Apr-19-2006 01:17

grrrrr, Della that one makes me NUTS! Just reading it made me want to bite down on my wallet or something.

I'm also voting for research. It works every time, irrespective of archetype. Plus hey...honestly...who wouldn't feel a little smarter if they knew they were a skilled researcher, lol??!

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