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Features that might be cool
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Sherlock Baholmes
Sherlock Baholmes

Jul-12-2004 16:54

If you have any suggestions for the game please put it here.

For example, what would be cool is a panel on the side that has every where in town, like the one on top only on the side.

Another for your suspects and agency would also be nice


Old Shoe

Jul-14-2004 10:06

I love that idea DL. I hate having to get rid of my favor prizes when I really want them for later in the game.

Old Shoe

Jul-14-2004 19:02

I like that idea. Maybe like a personal locker (Roman antique cupboard is ok for you charmers but it doesn't fit the tough guy image) - but someplace to store a change of 'clothes' so you can look smart when you need to.

That would be a help for people who aren't in agencies.

Old Shoe

Jul-14-2004 19:03

And I also wanted to second Elsey about the direct link to the agency. that would be so nice. Sometimes the back button works, but sometimes it just logs me out.

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-14-2004 20:01

I love D.L's and Elseys suggestion. Good call

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-14-2004 20:01

I like Jo Jo's too


Jul-14-2004 20:46

I'd like a bigger office. I hate having to turn so many agents down.


Sep-4-2008 10:22

With all the new brainstorming going on, I thought it would be nice to reflect on past suggestions. This was one of the earliest I could find. Look at how far we've come!

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