Where ya'll from?
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Apr-23-2004 19:49
(sticky post)
So, looking at the web logs, I know that we have players here from about 30 different countries. I just thought it would be interesting to put somes names with places.
My wife and I live in Boulder, COlorado in the U.S. Where the winter has returned for the weekend. We actually moved here pretty recently from Seattle, which is my home town.
Replies |
Vin Riddick
Jul-12-2004 00:22
Hi I am Rachiell, married, and have 2 Little Boys, 2 and 4. Rotten ages. HEHE Oh and I live in Utah at the Moment. (Military Wife)
Vin Riddick
Jul-12-2004 00:38
oh and I am 25. I have two part-Time Jobs so I guess that means I work full time. HAHAHA not really. One job is only 3 time a month and the other is when ever. I am a Massage Therapist and I am also a BEA ( Bonds Enforcement Agent) or some call it Bounty Hunter. It's not as Dangerous as some think. But I do have some real funny stories.
Vin Riddick
Jul-12-2004 00:39
Like the time I brought in a Man in Womens Undies. HAHAHAHAHA
Jul-12-2004 13:11
I'm Dave and live in Cleveland, Ohio
D.L. Williams
Jul-13-2004 08:08
Vin... There you go again... Scaring away all the newbies.
First they'll think "Oh here's a GUY introducing himself".
Then they'll think, "Oh what a weird name for a GUY"
Afterwhich, they'll think, "This guy must have put the wrong phrase in the parentheses..He can't be a 'Military Wife'!!"
Along the way, they'll wonder "Hm.. Vin is most probably someone with an identity crisis. Picking a GUY character, and holding jobs mostly associated with GUYS, but is in fact, most likely a lady. And now, he/she is talking about men in women's undies! Now talk about confusion!"
I hope that they manage to find the thread where you explained your gender. Even I cant remember where I saw it. Or maybe it's stored in our agency records..Hmm
james lee
Jul-13-2004 08:35
vin, maybe you need a new job
Old Shoe
Jul-13-2004 08:57
Maybe he's gender confused? ;)
Sherlock Baholmes
Jul-13-2004 14:04
My real name is Fady(pronounced like Freddy without the R)and my home country's Egypt
Vin Riddick
Jul-14-2004 00:03
OK OK, Jeez, I AM FEMALE. My little sister picked this character because she is in love with VIN DIESEL. ( I can see why) Anyways, i paid for the subscription and then she went back home to Vegas. ( Visitig me for the summer) SO I kept the character cause I was ADDICTED. I would change but I don't want to lose all my skills. I wish there was a way to switch characters just once. That should be brought to ben. One of these days I will ask him. I keep forgetting.
james lee
Jul-14-2004 07:31
that your charcter's a guy? how do you do that?