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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Apr-23-2004 19:49
(sticky post)

So, looking at the web logs, I know that we have players here from about 30 different countries. I just thought it would be interesting to put somes names with places.

My wife and I live in Boulder, COlorado in the U.S. Where the winter has returned for the weekend. We actually moved here pretty recently from Seattle, which is my home town.


Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-12-2004 00:22

Hi I am Rachiell, married, and have 2 Little Boys, 2 and 4. Rotten ages. HEHE Oh and I live in Utah at the Moment. (Military Wife)

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-12-2004 00:38

oh and I am 25. I have two part-Time Jobs so I guess that means I work full time. HAHAHA not really. One job is only 3 time a month and the other is when ever. I am a Massage Therapist and I am also a BEA ( Bonds Enforcement Agent) or some call it Bounty Hunter. It's not as Dangerous as some think. But I do have some real funny stories.

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-12-2004 00:39

Like the time I brought in a Man in Womens Undies. HAHAHAHAHA


Jul-12-2004 13:11

I'm Dave and live in Cleveland, Ohio


D.L. Williams
D.L. Williams

Jul-13-2004 08:08

Vin... There you go again... Scaring away all the newbies.

First they'll think "Oh here's a GUY introducing himself".

Then they'll think, "Oh what a weird name for a GUY"

Afterwhich, they'll think, "This guy must have put the wrong phrase in the parentheses..He can't be a 'Military Wife'!!"

Along the way, they'll wonder "Hm.. Vin is most probably someone with an identity crisis. Picking a GUY character, and holding jobs mostly associated with GUYS, but is in fact, most likely a lady. And now, he/she is talking about men in women's undies! Now talk about confusion!"

I hope that they manage to find the thread where you explained your gender. Even I cant remember where I saw it. Or maybe it's stored in our agency records..Hmm

james lee
james lee

Jul-13-2004 08:35

vin, maybe you need a new job

Old Shoe

Jul-13-2004 08:57

Maybe he's gender confused? ;)

Sherlock Baholmes
Sherlock Baholmes

Jul-13-2004 14:04

My real name is Fady(pronounced like Freddy without the R)and my home country's Egypt

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-14-2004 00:03

OK OK, Jeez, I AM FEMALE. My little sister picked this character because she is in love with VIN DIESEL. ( I can see why) Anyways, i paid for the subscription and then she went back home to Vegas. ( Visitig me for the summer) SO I kept the character cause I was ADDICTED. I would change but I don't want to lose all my skills. I wish there was a way to switch characters just once. That should be brought to ben. One of these days I will ask him. I keep forgetting.

james lee
james lee

Jul-14-2004 07:31

that your charcter's a guy? how do you do that?

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