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Annual Sleuthville Ball
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Isabel S. Abbott
Isabel S. Abbott

Mar-31-2006 17:23

Let's create an ongoing party within Sleuth, where the vodka is free, the girls are in evening gowns, and the guys are in tuxedos. Party on dudes!


Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

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Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Apr-4-2006 01:20

Rushes up to cfm as she finishes her dance. They bring Green Drinks to Isabel, Makkers, Giry and the other girls.

"Do you think someone can grab Serges' towel?" one asks.

"Is he like a Scotsman?", another asks.

They turn as the door opens and in walks....


Apr-4-2006 14:38

Calalta, wearing a lovely purple sari he had purchased for last years ball, but never got to use. "Can not let aparty dress go to waste" he says, as he edges up to Blue who is old enough to remember the sex change," and besides it is purple, matches my new cast ":). "The tux i own will not fit over my broken arm, and you all know how tailors can be" :).

Madame Giry
Madame Giry

Apr-4-2006 16:16

"I think I could wrangle it." mused Madame Giry, after the girls stared in shock at her bravery. "Besides," she said, "I think he's too drunk to notice!"
She marched up to Serges, and...


Apr-4-2006 17:11

tears off the bottom of the dress and hands it to serges, to replace the towel, then goes over to open the door for Autumn who has been parking the car

Con Artist

Apr-4-2006 17:26

Comes in and sees Kris walking toward her. *grins at his attire and laughs as he takes her in his arms and spins her around the dance floor once* then they both realize they are hopelessly clumsy and sit down to enjoy watching the others gracefully glide across the floor while they drink punch (which surprisingly hasnt been spiked yet)


Apr-4-2006 23:03

Serges, who IMMEDIATELY sobers up at the sight of Madame Giry's reach for his lucky towel, quickly flips it behind his back and grabs the bottom of calalta's dress, to hide his non-scottish heritage.

He flashes a playfully dirty look at leddie and reminds her that only Kagome may play with his "towel".

Realizing his sobriety has increased dramatically, he grabs Blue by the collar and drags him to the bar, lining up shots he calls "Kourage-bombs", which taste like cherry soda but bite like cheap whiskey.

He slams the shot down on the bar, almost failing to notice that at the same time the bar door slams open, revealing...


Apr-4-2006 23:06

Kagome, whose intituion led her to the bar... something about a towel and Scotsmen...

She grabs Serges, reminds him that if SHE can't drink, neither should he, and gets a table near the wall of the Tricky Mister. She smiles politely at leddie and Blue, sharing a moment too sweet for a dive like this, before losing herself in Serges's eyes, as she is approached by...

Nancy Drew wannabe
Nancy Drew wannabe

Apr-9-2006 15:44

Nancy who tells her that her and Serges would be great together. Then walks away to find her date...

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

May-9-2006 05:53

Barry Grant. But Barry was nowhere to be found. It's just like him to not just be late for a party, but to not get the invitation until a month after the shindig started.

"Nancy, can't blame me this time. I just got the invitation!" Barry telephoned Nancy.

Nancy had enough. "Forget it, Barry. No one plays me for a fool." and slams the phone.

Seeing that the party is over, not just the Ball but he and Nancy, Barry goes home. After all, there's always another dame.

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