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Mystery Writer
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Jun-25-2004 19:26

Hey y'all! I'm a bit of a writer, who's itching to write a mystery story with a bit of a sci-fi twist to it. Any suggestions welcome, just so long as they aren't too cliche. Especially about length--should it be a short story, novella, novel?


Old Shoe

Jun-30-2004 13:52

Also, anyone know how long the free subscription is? 1 month, 2 monthes, or 3 monthes?

mike kirkham
mike kirkham

Jun-30-2004 16:23

hey spy guy i got an idea for your book. how about the main charecter is to investigate 5 murders all have a mysterious note saying were coming i odnt know i was really tired and confused when i made that up

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Jun-30-2004 17:13

JoJo, I'll base the subscription on the quality of the work, and how much extra work I need to put into it to make it useable. Probably 2-4 months.

Old Shoe

Jul-1-2004 10:50

Ben, I am leaving for vacation today. I am sending my copy hopefully by the end of today. I'm working on it right now. Is it possible for me not to have the subscription credited to my account until after I get back? I'll email you with details.

Old Shoe

Jul-1-2004 12:33

Ok. Ok. Everyone can stop sending me "FINISH THAT MYSTERY OR ELSE!" letters now. :)

The mystery has been sent to ben and is out of my hands. SO STOP SENDING HURRY MAIL! :)

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