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The Doomsayer Trilogy Featured Mysteries
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Colonel Shanty
Colonel Shanty

Jan-31-2006 10:20

Is anyone as excited as I am?

City Hall -> News -> "The Doomsayer Trilogy"

On Saturday I am heading over to New York for the first part of the trilogy. I simply cannot wait! If I'm correct, I haven't seen any new FM's come in for a few months, so this should be a real treat for everyone. And, it's a good way for people to subscribe, because you can't do an FM without a subscription.

I'm just tingling with excitment. I've heard about Domino Walker and Terrence Zorn, and this is a first with an "accomplice" involved. Michael Bagen's mysteries are always excellent, and these should be wonderful.

Thanks Ben and Michael for your continuing efforts to bring these great Featured Mysteries to us. You can catch me in New York on Saturday for sure.

Now, let's see how you reacted when you clicked the new link in City Hall...

Oh, and if this should still stay popular until Saturday, NO SPOILERS, PLEASE.



Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Jan-31-2006 21:37

I know I definitely will be headed to NY on Saturday for the first part of the trilogy! Well, if it's possible for me too :)

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-1-2006 20:13


Yes, you will be required to play the trilogy in order.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Feb-1-2006 22:39

Will stay released? So that in April you could do all three in quick succession? And not have to wait to see what happens?

(Still waiting for X-Men 3 and Spiderman 3 :D )

Or do you have to do one each month?

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Feb-1-2006 22:39

Sorry, will *^stay released.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Feb-1-2006 22:40

Ugh, I give up.

Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-4-2006 10:37

Episode 1: The Prisoner, is now available.

Thanks again to Michael for this great story. I'm making a point of not reading how the last two episodes turn out, so I can enjoy them later.

LED: Yes, all three episodes will remain available, in their respective cities. You will be required to complete the previous episodes before attempting the latter ones.

On completion of the third mystery, "The Gift", you will recieve access to a special set of prizes, so completing three will definintely be worth the effort.

Good luck, and happy Sleuthing!


Feb-4-2006 13:59

Just finished the case, and all I can say is AWESOME! I can't wait for the next one to be released

mackenzie robbin
mackenzie robbin

Feb-4-2006 16:45

Ok guys you got me! I let my subscription expire cause i am in medical school and dont have time to play three let alone more cases. But you made me curious about the FM and I love this site anyways so I have resubscribed for three more months. I am going to become addicted again. Help my studies!

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Feb-4-2006 20:04

I did the FM and it IS definitely awesome and cant wait until the others that follow! :o))))

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Feb-4-2006 20:12

Thank you for your hard work Michael, Sunny and Ben.

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