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Antique Store
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May-24-2020 08:58

Dear detectives. Have I been blind? I am in Shanghai and came across a new(?) store. Have I never seen it before in my... 13 years or so around these boards? I've searched the boards and didn't find anything either... The NPC is interested in "coins from the Roman Empire".

Is this a new feature? Have I missed it completely for some reason? How do you get these coins?

Your truly (confused),



May-25-2020 23:58

Do any items show up for you? Empty for me

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-26-2020 00:10

I think maybe Ben is still working on this expansion...he is in Shanghai....

Big Winner

May-26-2020 02:25

I've just got an interesting clue from Big Lucy. I don't think I've ever seen it before, but I may be wrong.

"Wow. Getting that must have been incredibly hard."

Is it new? Does it have anything to do with the new antique shop? Is the accent on "incredibly hard"? So many questions, and so far no answers. :)

Sasha Stevens
Sasha Stevens
Old Shoe

May-26-2020 02:34

Interesting. For me, "incredibly hard" suggests favour cases. Maybe the coins will be given as occasional rewards for favours?

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-26-2020 11:28

Oooh, fun! Thanks for sharing DW, I marched out to Shanghai to do some detecting and some sneaky sleuthing says it's related to urchins...don't know how I feel about that. :P

(I wonder now if I've blindly clicked off any clues from the London Librarian or Big Lucy. I also think this is still a work-in-progress thing, given that there are no items displayed that can be exchanged for these ancient Roman coins...unless we're simply not worthy of seeing these vases yet. I'll just need to check the Boards more often again! :D)

Old Shoe

May-29-2020 09:54

I notice that the antique store has changed its location in Shanghai. Apart from that it seems to be just the same inside. Any significance to this?


May-29-2020 14:07

It depends on the device I log with, frankly. Sometimes it's in the left top corner, other times it's near the race tracks. Either they're playing with the location or it's a loading/device/kind of issue, maybe.


May-29-2020 16:22

Every time I check it's just north of the bank in Shanghai.

Theodora X
Theodora X

Jun-6-2020 13:05

Any progress on the antiques store - or are we all still scratching our heads?

I had a message from the Librarian in London today that I'm not sure I've seen before (echoes of Rhaenys and Big Lucy). If I recall correctly it was "It seems things are passing hands between the factions."

Perhaps it's an old message and I've just forgotten.


Jun-7-2020 22:20

I've seen the same message recently and was wondering about it, but then again I had a 3year break from playing so I was thinking maybe I missed it before.

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