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Antique Store
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May-24-2020 08:58

Dear detectives. Have I been blind? I am in Shanghai and came across a new(?) store. Have I never seen it before in my... 13 years or so around these boards? I've searched the boards and didn't find anything either... The NPC is interested in "coins from the Roman Empire".

Is this a new feature? Have I missed it completely for some reason? How do you get these coins?

Your truly (confused),


Blue Eagle
Blue Eagle

May-24-2020 09:33

This is definitely new, Devilish (Misha's alt here). Been to Shanghai many times and this is an addition to the game. It will be interesting to see how and where we find these mysterious coins. I hope people will leave a message here when they do.


May-24-2020 09:45

Oh my. Awesome. I thought so, but with my long break from sleuthing, I thought maybe I somehow forgot about it.

Oh Yeeeetiiii!!!! Share with the class!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-24-2020 12:56

Theres also a couple new items in the detective shop as well...a necktie and a journal.


May-24-2020 13:48

Oooo, yeah, you're right!

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

May-24-2020 16:03

Interestingly, the tie is not an accessory, it's an item of clothing - like a jacket or a dress. How very kinky! :D

Old Shoe

May-25-2020 07:49

I don't remember from past years of Sleuth and just noticed. Scoured the message board with no clues but found this post! If I catch a flash of gold out of the corner of my eye I'll know to investigate!

miss snopes
miss snopes
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

May-25-2020 20:08

Oh good, it's not just me!!!! I too am in Shanghai and went into the Antique Store. I popped into Game Announcements but didn't see anything. Exciting!!

Hans Landa
Hans Landa
Assistant Librarian

May-25-2020 22:23

The search for Roman artifacts starts in Shanghai. I'm letting this sink in.

Perhaps these objects are cursed too as in the Friday the 13th TV-series.


May-25-2020 23:58

Do any items show up for you? Empty for me

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

May-26-2020 00:10

I think maybe Ben is still working on this expansion...he is in Shanghai....

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