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Rabbit Doubt: Extra Furry Edition
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-21-2017 12:37

Hello all! The newest version of Rabbit Doubt can be found below:

If anyone who wasn't in the last game (or was and hasn't yet PM'ed me about joining) wants to play, please post in this thread. I'll leave signups open until 21:00 server time tonight.

If at any time you have questions regarding gameplay, please PM me and I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

Spots have been reserved for Sleuth Sindy, shell marple, Sal Iva, LaSorella, Tyranomaster3, miss snopes, Yeti Face, and Zara Bande.

The game will begin at 7:00 server time tomorrow, and all roles will be distributed by then.


Zara Bande
Zara Bande
Bounty Hunter

Aug-28-2017 10:37

Thanks everyone - it was fun, apart from reading those gruesome death scenes courtesy of The Announcer. I found shell’s death particularly horrifying. Those eyes!

My life was made a lot easier having Yeti as a fellow wolf - he’s pretty sharp.

I guess, the downside of *winning* this game is that no-one in Sleuthland will ever trust me again :D

@miss snopes: I think the Evil Rabbit Doubt Traitor was Sindy.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-28-2017 11:03

That sounds about right. :D


Aug-28-2017 11:34

Very true Zara, very true lol

Evil Rabbit Doubt Traitor
Evil Rabbit Doubt Traitor

Aug-28-2017 13:42

I just want to protest the besmirching of my name by The Announcer. I never killed any bunny in such a horrible, gruesome manner as described by this media mongrel. In fact, the garish descriptions depicted in this thread completely put me off my appetite and I ultimately had to release all the bunnies marinating in my refrigerator. I've been able to eat nothing but chicken broth for the past three days.

Woe is me!


Aug-28-2017 18:02

I understand your situation ERDT (your name is quite long). Sometimes, the media are so evil.

Kathryn Rose
Kathryn Rose

Aug-30-2017 07:54

We should have hung Yeti on the first day :)

Yeti I was so so sure you were a wolf.

So sorry I suspected you, Sindy. I think I did because you seemed so tight with Yeti from the start and I was sure he was a wolf. Also your alter ego gave me the creeps.

For feedback I must say that the playing times were not very easy to deal with. Also I felt that it was extremely difficult for the rabbits to get real intel about who's who.

Many thanks to my friend RLJ who joined us despite his extremely busy schedule :)

Thanks everyone for playing :)

Kathryn Rose
Kathryn Rose

Aug-30-2017 08:54

@miss snopes: I think they wanted to keep all the money :) and the extra challenge of winning the game with only two wolves

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-30-2017 14:57

I'm sorry I suspected you as well, Kathryn. And I'm very happy for you that you weren't a wolf, because I think you would have been miserable. :)

Kathryn Rose
Kathryn Rose

Aug-30-2017 15:14



Aug-30-2017 18:04

Thanks for your feedback, Kathryn and sorry for the inconvenience of the playing time. We didn't recognize it before. We will try to fix it in the next game. If you have any suggestion about it, we very appreciate it.

About the game play, it's really a challenge to figure out who is who. That's why this game named Rabbit Doubt. But I think it's quite fair for both sides since the rabbits dominates about the quantity while the wolves have advantage about the allegiance. Actually, we made the game simpler to play since we added some special powers into this game whereas the basic game does not have any. We will see if we can do anything to make it better while still keeping the balance for both sides. We suggest that you should try to talk to people in the game more. The principle this game based on is that people can easily tell a lie but it's very difficult to protect a lie by keep lying like a quote "you can't hide an eel in a sack". So the main strategy is to keep talking. Sorry if I spoiled the game :D

And, I really appreciate your invitation to RLJ. Hope that we can have him in our next games.

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