Oct-3-2005 19:46
do ya guys have a fav music or musicz wat about fav singer band or wat ever post em here hopely there aint a topic bout this lol- my fav music is ppop rnb hip hop and rap- my fav band is b5 they brothers and they rnb singer and a lil pop mix they so hot and my fav female singer is rihanna she sings pn de replay if anyone watches mtv or bet ok
Replies |
Eden Zweig
Aug-6-2012 16:56
I just want to post a link to a song by M. Walking on the Water, a German Band:
It was kind of impossible to find this song on Youtube until two or three years ago, so when I discovered the link in delight (both in youtube and dailymotion but dm's was better so I posted that one) I just wanted to share it.
Artist: M. Walking on the Water, Album: La Louisianne (1995)
Bonanza Jellybean
Aug-6-2012 23:41
Tom Waits is GREATS
Eden Zweig
Aug-15-2012 20:07
"a rat always knows when he's in with weasels"
Tom Waits is also a great lyricist. I wish I knew all his songs.
Safety Officer
Aug-15-2012 22:33
I'm sure Mr Waits must have seen my t-shirt "A squirrel always knows when he's in with nuts"...
Eden Zweig
Aug-16-2012 11:32
:) Haha but you have the upper hand in that case. Squirrel vs nuts is a winning situation as opposed to rat vs weasels. RIP, nuts, be sure somebody appreciated the way you used to taste. Your short-lived friendship went down in dignity.
Eden Zweig
Oct-24-2012 13:30
( I.V. by X Japan)